Yeah I've tried that. I must have made 6 coasters now in various ways trying Disk Utility. The thing thats killing me is that I see everyone posting up that method and it seeming to work ... just not for me.
This is literally the only thing keeping me from being 100% daily mac and being...
I'm sorry it was VERY late when I posted that.... long day... I meant to say that nothing would boot from it.
The MBP and all my PC's can see the disc and it's contents. The PC's will not boot from the discs made with my MBP, however using the same ISO and burning it with Nero on a windows...
I have been using a Macbook Pro almost exclusively for about a year now. The one challenge that keeps coming up is how to get Linux ISO's burned on my MBP to actually work on new servers to load a fresh Linux OS.
Im running the latest version of OS-X 10.5.5
I've tried using:
1. Disk...