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  1. M

    Power Point ----- Application that converts .swf to avi or quicktime??

    I am trying to put some animation in my power point presentation. I have a few .swf files that I downloaded from a website and want to place in the presentation. The only option I see right now is converting to a file format that ppt will recognize. Any ideas on how to place the .swf files in...
  2. M

    Mac Mail - corrupt?

    User = name of the account you are logged on to. The library/ mail/bundles is the library for the logged on user.
  3. M

    Mac Mail - corrupt?

    Pull out the bundles in your Mail bundles folder and see if it solves the problem. User/Library/Mail/Bundles One of the bundles or "addons' may have became corrupted.
  4. M

    Time Machine--Why does it keep loosing files?

    I just don't understand why TM keeps over writing files. If I have a file I want to keep, I let TM backup. Then I delete the file from my hard drive. Once TM backup again it has been over written or removed from the TM backup. Is this the way TM works? If so, what it a good backup program...
  5. M

    /user/bin/ruby ?????

    anyone know what this is? /user/bin/ruby It keeps wanting to send something out through the internet.
  6. M

    How can I use to access hotmail in Leopard?

    Download this:
  7. M

    Apple admits to ‘misleading’ Leopard firewall settings

    November 15th, 2007 Apple admits to ‘misleading’ Leopard firewall settings Posted by Ryan Naraine @ 11:14 am Apple has fessed up to at least three serious design weaknesses in the new application-based firewall that ships with Mac OS X Leopard. The acknowledgment from Cupertino comes...
  8. M

    Gaining access as root user?

    Doesn't work in safe mode. Back to square one--how to gain root user access when trying to use applejack?
  9. M

    Gaining access as root user?

    Got it. To enable the root user account: 1. Open Directory Utility (in /Applications/Utilities/). 2. If the lock icon is locked, unlock it by clicking it and entering the name and password of an administrator. 3. Choose Edit > Enable Root User.
  10. M

    Gaining access as root user?

    I was trying to run applejack after installing leopard. When I try to run applejack I get a message saying I can't access because I need to be root user. How do I change that and keep it that way? Thanks
  11. M

    Cannot connect to internet - tried everything!

    If your router is other than airport, type in your browser. It will ask you to log in. Usually the login is admin the for user and 1234 for password. you can change that once you get in. Also check your router it will have this information on it. If you have an airport, use the...
  12. M

    Upgraded To leapoard : Cannot Connect to Internet

    I had the same problem, I had to go into my wireless router ( and enable "Enable SSID Broadcast." Fixed it out right.
  13. M

    Cannot connect to internet - tried everything!

    Don't know if this will help but I had the same problem. I went into my wireless router ( and enabled "Enable SSID Broadcast." fixed it out right.
  14. M

    Disk Utility Message

    Correct 10.5
  15. M

    Disk Utility Message

    Anyone know what this means or how to fix it? "Repairing permissions for “MacBook HD” Warning: SUID file "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/" has been modified and will not be repaired. "
  16. M

    Pro Tools record problem

    Take it over to yahoo protools group (Yahoo Groups). They should be able to help you.
  17. M

    Lost privileges in my system--10.4.10

    I don't know what happened but I lost privileges to do anything to my system. I can't empty the trash, move files to folders, etc... Anyone know what to do?? I ran disk utility, but there were no errors.
  18. M

    Leopard: Bugs/Compatibility Reports

    Again, this has turned out to be a huge mess for me, upgrading to Leopard. Before I upgraded I used carbon copy to backup my entire MacBook to another drive. I had a bunch of folders and files on the desktop on the MacBook before I upgraded and backed up. I can't find the desktop folders and...