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    WTB: G3 iBook 700MHz w/Airport..

    hi all. i am looking for an iBook G3 like the title says. it must have airport. 700MHz would be nice, but i would consider 600MHz (or even faster). $300.00
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    FS: Mac Games - Civ III, SimCity 3000, Alpha Centauri...

    I have a website of these and other games, please email me for the address as I don't think they will le me post it here.
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    Power Mac G4/400 and LaserWriter Select 360

    anyone have any idea how to get these two to talk to each other? I have a parallel to usb cable connected to them both and gimp print installed under os 10.2.8. can't get it to see each other.
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    LaserWriter Select and PM G4/400.

    hi. i was given a pm g4/400 and a laserwriter select (i assume lw 360 since it has the parallel/serial/localtalk ports). i was also given a power cable, c36m (centronics 36 for the parallel port)/db25 cable and a scsi db25/usb cable to connect to the end of the parallel cable. will that work...
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    Installing internal dvd-r...

    hi. i have an emac 1ghz with a combo drive and am thinking of purchasing an internal dvd-r "superdrive" for $80.00. how difficult is it and are there any step-by-step instructions i can follow?