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  1. marz


    Calling oneself a member of ANY religion is bound to piss off at least a few people of other religions or those that espouse no religion. ~Peace
  2. marz


    I liked the book "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Zen Living" ... you can get it used at Amazon for around 10 bucks, or your local library might have it.
  3. marz

    Democratic Presidential Candidate Discussion (aka "No Bush in '04!")

    I predict Dean will win over moderate Republicans in the general election, who disagree with Bush's more radical right-wing policies, thus winning the Presidency handily against Dumbya.
  4. marz

    After a year, OSX is running like a dog!

    Just curious - what kind of firewire drive was it? I've been having some weirdness lately, and suspect my firewire drive might be to blame. I have a VST (red) enclosure that I installed a 60GB drive in...
  5. marz

    I violated the embargo for pure pleasure

    By any chance did you happen to find the Weapons of Mass Destruction? Guess letting the UN Inspectors do their job like France & Germany wanted might not have been such a "wacky" idea after all ... maybe you should buy some French Fries to go with your German Beer.
  6. marz

    Alternative to BBEdit needed !

    skHTML WebDesign Amaya (via Fink) Mozilla ?? I still wish that Macromedia would port HomeSite ;(
  7. marz

    Apple Sticker on your car?

    You can usually buy them on eBay.
  8. marz

    2 May Apple Store Event ...

    Bought a 30GB ... they were selling like mad at the Apple Store at Easton in Columbus - got my T-shirt too.
  9. marz

    The war ends tonite!

    mmm hmm, I seem to recall there's a small matter of the whereabouts of some weapons of mass destruction...
  10. marz

    new iPod vs. old iPod?

    Ugh! The waiting is killing me :) I just bought a 20GB iPod (old style as of Tuesday) at CompUSA on the way home from work - for $350. And have been trying to compare online the differences to see if I should open it and enjoy the prize I've waited so long for, or wait until tomorrow and...
  11. marz

    new iPod vs. old iPod?

    What's the difference, besides the new one being thinner, and lighter, and the buttons and the dock. Is there any functionality the new one has the old one doesn't? Thanks!
  12. marz

    Killer Apps (??) for my new iPod

    Yeah! :D I'm definately going to my Apple Store on Friday and getting myself an iPod - FINALLY! A few minutes ago I rec'd an email from Avantgo (spam) and I got to thinking about how I wish Avantgo would come out with an OSX version - then thought maybe Apple could do it for us, then thought...
  13. marz

    Apple Sticker on your car?

    As a matter of fact, just this past weekend, I washed and "tattoo'd" my car with it's Apple Sticker and a few others. My Xterra
  14. marz

    28. April 2003 Event

    Finally ... the new iPod I've been wanting every Tuesday for the last four months :)
  15. marz

    U.S. Presidential Term Limit: Not quite..... Vote Bill Clinton 2004! ;-)

    And Rush Limbaugh neither has facts nor logic to back him up, just loud mouthed rhetoric to incite his listeners that already agree with his specious logic.
  16. marz

    help with vnc

    Hey Larry -- you're welcome ... glad I could help!
  17. marz

    Proud to be

    It took something like 30 years for Iraq to be rid of Sadaam Hussein, it'll only take the U.S. 4 years to be rid of George W. Bush... Please be patient with us, we haven't been ourselves lately.
  18. marz

    U.S. Presidential Term Limit: Not quite..... Vote Bill Clinton 2004! ;-)

    I've heard this rumor before, here's what the constition actually says: "Article XXII. Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to...
  19. marz

    help with vnc

    Check your firewall on your desktop G4 in System Preferences | Sharing - you need to allow the port so your PB can connect to your desktop G4 ... you likely already have port 80 open for your webserver. I think the port is 5900.