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  1. marz

    New PowerBook came with Old OS

    I just bought a brand new PowerBook G4 550 ... got a deal at MicroCenter, it had been up in the warehouse and everyone forgot about it, well they put it out on the floor yesterday and I just happened to be at the right place at the right time - lucky me! My question is; I thought Apple...
  2. marz

    turboTax for the web? anyone familiar with this?

    I've used TT-web a couple times, overall good experiences, just like mdnky said about H&R, TT-web let's you save and come back, and output in PDF, federal, state. I don't recall which browser on which OS I did it though, probably IE 5 on OSX.
  3. marz

    PS Plugin to make cartoon cell look from photo?

    Have you seen the Intel commercial, where the girl takes the photograph of the band and uses some graphics tool to quickly make it look like a cartoon animation cell to use as the artwork for the CD cover? How'd they do that? Does anyone know of a Photoshop plugin to do such a thing? Thanks!!
  4. marz

    PC Configurartion Questions...

    1) Probably, but never assume anything. 2) I think the shared video memory is due to the video adapter being built into the motherboard and not an addtional card. If you're not gaming or using it for heavy graphics it's probably no big deal especially if you're used to VPC. 3) Can't say...
  5. marz

    What if? iApps for Win32??

    What if instead of the iApps charge of $50 for the bundle of iPhoto, iMovie and iDVD for Mac users that's been rumored everywhere, it's actually a package for Windows users that'll cost $50?? On they talk about something that M$ wouldn't be happy about... could this be it...
  6. marz

    Disk Utility Crashes when selecting FW disk

    Well, I opted to try and partition the drive with my PC, and created a Primary partition, then plugged it back into my iBook and got the message asking me to initialize it, said OK to initialize it and am now able to use Disk Utility without it crashing.
  7. marz

    Disk Utility Crashes when selecting FW disk

    Help :( I'm trying to get organized for the new year, and want to repartition my firewire hdd, so I've backed up my data, erased the firewire drive in Disk Utility and when I try to select the disk to repartition it, Disk Utility crashes. I've ejected the drive, rebooted reconnected the...
  8. marz

    Ohio State wins national championship!!

    The Best Damn Team in the Land!! Second best football game I've ever seen, first is still the greatest comeback in NFL history, Bills v. Oilers!
  9. marz

    Stupid Move on Apple's part

    RacerX... I don't want to get off on a rant here (Dennis Miller) ... the difference between Apple and Be, Apple has a following already, and Apple has lots of wannabe customers that don't want or can't afford to buy their hardware. That's why it would be different for them to sell the OS and...
  10. marz

    Stupid Move on Apple's part

    First iTools, now this? Very sad to see this happen if it's indeed true. I switched about a year and a half ago, and have had new mac envy for a few months now. But another move like this is going to keep Apple a bit player in the market. When will Apple realize that the only way to turn...
  11. marz

    Survey: What DON'T you like about how OSX behaves?

    I love the idea of a tabbed Dock, that would be sweet! Maybe a seperate tab for open app windows instead of the right side of the dock??
  12. marz

    Pictures Folder screen effects, suddenly slow

    I don't know what I might have installed, since I've installed quite a few things lately, but I've noticed my screensaver has slowed to an ugly slow crawl lately. The pictures draw themselves very slowly on screen and the fades are terrible, it used to be so smooth. Does anyone have any info...
  13. marz

    what do you guys think of buying refurbished?

    I bought my iBook refurb'd from - other than the refurbished sticker on the box, it appeared brand new. The only thing I wish I would have done is purchased the Apple Care, but I'd definately buy refurbished again, I saved around $200 at the time off the new price.
  14. marz

    how do i get a windows machine to print through samba to my mac printer

    I just did this last week... and had to ask for help too.... Here's the best answer I got and got it to work for me... But it's using CUPS not SAMBA ... Good luck!!
  15. marz

    Webhosting? Who should I switch to?

    FWIW: I like - multiple domains on a single account, advanced control panel too, but cheapest account is $9.95 mo., cheaper if paid in advance.
  16. marz

    GIANT HUMONGOUS HOLE in mac os x security!!!

    Could be that Windows cached your credentials from the iPod mapping and is using those credentials to browse since you say the Disks account had permissions to /Volumes??
  17. marz

    Share printers with Windows

    Thank you! Just printed a test page! Woo hoo! Thanks again!
  18. marz

    Share printers with Windows

    I've been searching and everywhere I see people share printers the other way around, but I can't find anyone that has successfully shared their usb attached mac printer to a windows client. The apple switch site offers suggestions to buy a wireless print server or a usb kvm sharing device ...
  19. marz

    any suggestions for good webcam for 10.2.x?

    Yes, it (firewire iBot) works great for me on 10.2.2!
  20. marz

    any suggestions for good webcam for 10.2.x?

    I'm using a firewire iBot - got my clearanced from my local Micro Center - it had been returned by someone. Works great - haven't had any problems with it. BTW, I recommend EvoCam ( for a webcam app. My cam is up and running off my iBook G3 500 right now as a...