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    JB 007 Nightfire compatibility

    NEVER MIND i was looking at compUSA's page, and it said Mac-to-Mac only...:(
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    i don't think they would spend money porting's way old. HL, CS, and the like are all great games, but it looks like it's staying on windows. i would like to see them instead working on Halo 2 for osx, so they can release it together... unlikely tho
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    Does .Mac limit creativity?

    you could host it off your own machines, with the built-in web server and binary PHP and MySQL distros...for me, it's the easiest method.
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    frames question

    the CSS: position:fixed; i've never heard of the bproperties attribute before... /me looks Added later: also, i would stay away from frames and use a total css layout. Even use tables, if you aren't that great in CSS.
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    Looking to learn advanced HTML/CSS

    try some of the Dummies books...start with the basic ones, and then go onto more specific advanced ones, such as CSS for Dummies, etc.
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    Doom III

    well, not many people i know play on or other online multiplayer with a 56k :)
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    JB 007 Nightfire compatibility

    wow does no one look or reply to the gaming forum? or i just asked a stupid question and no one has bothered to answer... :)
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    JB 007 Nightfire compatibility

    Can the PC version play with the mac version online?
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    if the iMac g5 had a touch screen...

    heh apple does have innovative designs :)
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    Flash Photogalleries

    maybe flash photos b/c he doesn't want people to save it? The cons about flash photogalleries is that some people don't have Flash plugins installed, so they can't view it. And i must agree about the webpage. It looks like a 5 year old did it.
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    How to keep small image in lower left corner?

    Yes i would say CSS positioning, but IE doesn't support that. I like the way it is right now...
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    iMac very thin...when is powerbook going g5?

    Apple won't release their PB G5 after they just updated their PB G4 line...that would make the update useless, since a G5 PB would be better than a G4... It should come soon, since the iBook has moved up to G4 and you can get a G4 in an iBook cheaper than a PB. PowerBooks and PowerMacs are...
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    if the iMac g5 had a touch screen...

    I have to agree that the iMac looks like a tablet, or at least it's heading that way. I also have to agree that tablet PCs are useless. If you want portability, go notebook. If you want power, go desktop. If you want touchscreen, go with a Palm. etc...etc... I agree with Randman on the fact...
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    php redirection based on IP location

    Heh i guess i hit the 25%: ;) Here are the country details as loaded into $rv_cinfo : Country Code: HK Country Name: Hong Kong (SAR) Country Capital: Hong Kong Region: Southeast Asia Currency: Hong Kong Dollar Currency Code: HKD Population: 0
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    Dreamweaver - developing PHP/MySQL site locally

    I have done this, although I stopped a little bit after getting MySQL working. I found hand-coding PHP much easier. My recommendation would be just to use the /Library/WebServer/Documents folder, but you can go your way. Try it via the Advanced menu. I left the Remote panel at Remote...