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  1. Androo

    Fun Forum Activity

    Change the subject trip
  2. Androo

    Fun Forum Activity

    Microsoft never steals ANYTHING!
  3. Androo

    Fun Forum Activity

    Meow! I airbrushed the eyes and white fur.
  4. Androo

    The Banner

    sounds good trip!!!!!
  5. Androo

    The Banner

    yea, its a bit boring everything :) but when ur bored, its FUN!
  6. Androo

    The Banner

    Androo got bored. Androo wanted to make something in photoshop. Androo made a banner. I only took 1 element from the current banner, and i changed it a bit :D what do you think?
  7. Androo

    Nice site but can anyone say Apple Rip-Off?

    Unix X11 made a thread about this. topic CLOSED! DAMNIT! i cant close the topic, im not a mod. :) that makes me happier.
  8. Androo

    It's 5 am in the Café

  9. Androo

    *pulls up a seat*

    probably, try it out 11X XINU! wow i type ur username faster backwards than forwards!
  10. Androo

    Clan [MOX] for Jedi Knight 2

    yaya :) it would be sweet if you and me made a clan map, and some skins. But the problem is it costs like 40 bucks a month to hold a decent JK2 server, cuz i cant host it myself.
  11. Androo

    Ban Anime???

    well, you can hate me. I signed it. These petitions dont do anything though.
  12. Androo

    Bands who use Macs.

    I play guitar of course! if you wanna hear me then just ask, and we'll have a voice convo. Or i could just record myself :D
  13. Androo

    It's 5 am in the Café

    because there is no such thing as peace! wow that should spark some conversation now
  14. Androo

    Clan [MOX] for Jedi Knight 2

    How about we start a jk2 clan?! I'll find a free game server to host it on, and then we'll all play. There was another server that used Maybe i'll check that out. If you wanna join just post here and you're in lol. Further news is coming soon.
  15. Androo

    It's 5 am in the Café

    :) summers over unfortunately, but here it is, the weekend, and i am up at 2 am! :D ANDROO DOESNT SLEEP!
  16. Androo

    Bands who use Macs.

    TrueForm (my band!) uses a mac :p
  17. Androo

    [HELP!] AquaFix is no more!

    its been discontinued. RIGHT WHEN I WANTED TO CHANGE BACK TO AQUA!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!! is there something else i can do to get back to regular aqua????
  18. Androo

    I need YOUR ad! (free free)

    i checked it out.... you updated it! it looks like an AWESOME comp cafe!!!
  19. Androo

    How many of us have A.D.D. or A.D.H.D?

    actually, everyone in the world has it... just some have it more than others :) I suppose once its completely visible, when you just CANT pay attention, that's when it matters, and you need medication. I can pay attention to 2 things at once, unless i fall asleep :p [LIKE IN GEO CLASS!]
  20. Androo

    The FINAL Matrix Revolutions trailer is here!

    i saw it on tv last nite, it left me in tears, it was so damn amazing. But once i see it i'll be upset, no more matrix movies to look forward to :(