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  1. Geminis

    17" LCD Studio Display

    haha hazmat, you didn't piss me off. Stay Sharp! ;-) Keep us informed about your bug report...
  2. Geminis

    17" LCD Studio Display

    To be honest, I never noticed it until this post. In other words, cannot really tell if the monitor sucks, or if it's in the system software, if I look at my photographics, it's unbelievable sharp and makes me very satisfied.... make a test with photoshop and make the same graphic, see if...
  3. Geminis

    Jag boot requiring PSWD

    Found it, altough autologin was set to on, I still had to choose edit user, and give my password and then it's possible to click the other autologin button. Hmmm very strange... But it works
  4. Geminis

    Jag boot requiring PSWD

    What if there's only one user, and autologin is set to on and I still have to give my password everytime on startup? MAC OS X 10.2.1 Thanks
  5. Geminis

    system language X10.2

    I am working with 10.2 for a few weeks, but decided to change to enlish language instead of dutch. I reinstalled the system but without erasing disk, so the previous system would be kept. I choosed for english as main language, but to my surprise after installing the system language is still...
  6. Geminis

    remap , into .

    gently weeping.... '-( Not possible?
  7. Geminis

    remap , into .

    Is it possible to remap in 10.2 to remap the , key (the one on far right side of my keyboard) into the . key? I dl'ed uControl but that's only for the command keys... I use the . key a lot in Flash when typing coordinates and I had in working in OS 9, so I really want to get that again...
  8. Geminis

    Golive, HTML question That's the Golive forum, you'll find a lot of info, good luck!
  9. Geminis

    Logitech scroll mouse OS X

    I installed the new driver and it seems to work, but still same bug in Explorer! When I use the scrollwheel, the mouse dissappears and only returns back in view after moving the mouse a little, kinda annoying. Btw installed Netscape 7 and wow, it's nice! It does not have this same mouse bug.
  10. Geminis

    Logitech scroll mouse OS X

    Thanks Gumse, try it as soon as I get home! ;-)
  11. Geminis

    Logitech scroll mouse OS X

    Any idea why my the Logitech control panel in Jaguar doesn't see my mouse while it IS working? The only bug I have when scrolling in Explorer with the wheel, the mouse dissappears while the pages scrolls...
  12. Geminis

    Mac OS X Hidden Secrets Revealed

    :-) I realized it, but was too proud to admit hehe sorry
  13. Geminis

    Mac OS X Hidden Secrets Revealed

    changed date to 1 april, and it works!! thanks you for the hint, owe you one!
  14. Geminis

    Mac OS X Hidden Secrets Revealed

    where exact to put the line in... Thanks
  15. Geminis

    Where's the microphone input??

    Tismey, wow nice device... that's what I need! Shame it seems not yet available here in Holland... Well at least now I know there hope, and an even beter solution than before. Still I don't know why they removed the mic input... We have Mac's we want to do things with them :-) thank you...
  16. Geminis

    Where's the microphone input??

    I am very pleased (understatement) with my brandnew G4. But I am going crazy for this one: where the microphone input. please someone tell me it still there :-) I cannot believe Apple left it out, since I am used to record from my minidisc player to my Mac. Well on my G3... Any solutions...