Search results

  1. C

    NetInfo networks

    See dthompson101, that's why I asked. I figured it was client since it's pretty simple to do with OS X Server and the admin guide.
  2. C

    NetInfo networks

    Is the NetInfo master on OS X Server or OS X Client?
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    how to install a new photoshop with new serial

    open this file in a text editor and change the number /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Registration Database
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    cross platform disc images

    Some file formats are. What kind of file is it? .iso, .bin, .cue, .nrg? See if FireStarter FX can burn it.
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    Monitoring FTP access

    Try CrushFTP or Rumpus
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    Favourite FTP server?

    Tried whatever is installed on Jaguar Server, then tried ProFTP w/MySQL and had user id problems. Now I'm just using CrushFTP on a crappy old iMac.
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    Convert Entourage X > Apple Mail

    Nevermind I must be on crack. I assumed I couldn't import Entourage X into Mail since it was a newer program but it seems to be working. After 2 weeks Entourages database gets corrupt...yah, way to go M$
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    Convert Entourage X > Apple Mail

    Apple Mail NOT Address Book. I don't care about the contacts. I need the mail database and the mail accounts transferred into Apple Mail
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    Convert Entourage X > Apple Mail

    Anyone have a tutorial they can point me to on how to import Microsoft Entourage X mailboxes into Apple Mail?
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    Why do you place every single app in your dock?

    I have 11 docks in DockFun!....too lazy to count how many apps
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    I call that the No Smoking / Cancelled sign. research the "bless" command to fix
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    FileMaker Aqua theme See the theme in this FileMaker database? It's Mac OS X's aqua. I know that I can download the theme with all the widgets somewhere and I've been googling for a half hour and can't find it. Anyone know where I can download it?
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    how to print finder's window

    Searchware Solutions Print Window 2.0.2 freeware
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    How do I change my boot and login panel?

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    Itunes will never work for DJ's..

    There's plenty of mp3's on Direct Connect. Just finding the hub is the trick.
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    big changes from versiontracker.

    yah I've switched to MacUpdate. I get email updates for free so I don't have to check it everyday.
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    Itunes will never work for DJ's..

    remixes? ack...yuck...
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    PowerPoint Viewer

    Can Open Office open or convert them?
  19. C

    Login to a win2k Domain

    It can definitely be done. You'll want to check out the archives at Apple for this mailing list