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  1. C

    What does Repair Disk Permissions do?

    It only changes permissions on files that come from the Apple install CD's or updates.
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    How to copy an application over SSH

    I've used Fugu to SFTP in and then SCP the files. Fugu is a free SFTP app you can find on
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    move entire hd contents to another

    I agree with funkyoucrew get CCC
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    Why iTunes kicks ass

    >>serious about ecoding or "archiving" knows that LAME or OGG Actually they would use Shorten (shn) lossless compression
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    Possible to link directories for FTP access?

    ftpchroot can be fixed my manually editing the config file. And 10.2 comes with wu-ftpd. At least the server version does.
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    December Developer Tools download problems?

    i'm getting access denied errors also. where to you have a choice to choose a server?
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    Virtual PC 6

    I don't use Linux but this is pretty cool - VirtualMAC
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    [HOWTO] Install pure-ftpd

    wu-ftpd is the FTP Server on 10.2. Most people have been recomending ProFTP. Here is an excellent article on how to set that up.
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    Mounting ftp servers on the desktop?

    There is a new beta out
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    Why Stuff DMGs if they get bigger?

    another screen shot
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    Why Stuff DMGs if they get bigger?

    Why the hell did I spell knew like that? I was right, the mime type is in there. Here is a screenshot from the Server Settings GUI on 10.2.2. Server
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    Software Update unexpectedly quits

    I can't get any items. I click on Software Update in System Preferences and then it unexpectedly quits. I'm running 10.2.2 client.
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    Software Update unexpectedly quits

    So my Software Update just keeps crashing. How do I fix this? I deleted the .plist files from my Preferences for system preferences and software update and rebooted but it still crashes. I couldn't find anythign in the Apple Knowldegebase
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    Terminal User Input into a variable for a script

    I got it to work! THANK YOU! #!/bin/sh #script to create a ftp users home folder andset permissions correctly #2002-12-04 cd / createhomedir -u $1 echo "..created Home Folder for $1" cd /Volumes/FTP #imtechftp is the group that employees use to connect to the server over...
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    SuperDrive on PowerMac 9500/9600

    2.) a Firewire port PCI board & then mount the SuperDrive into a Firewire 3-1/2" drive external housing I tried this out and it didn't work on a G4 :-( I had an old Lacie or Teac external FireWire 12x CD-Recorder that I took apart. Hard Drives mount fine but it won't mount the SuperDrive...
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    Why Stuff DMGs if they get bigger?

    It's not really a problem. dmg is pretty knew. I guess we could inform the Apache Group to update their source/binaries. Since I use an Xserve w/Jaguar Server it's already in there (i think anyways) No time to check I just got LDAP working...centralized logins - yay!
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    Why Stuff DMGs if they get bigger?

    >>think it's because .sit is recognized my more browsers, whereas, when I'm in Chimera, if I try to download a .dmg, it'll show a bunch of gibberish code, in the browser window I get the jibberish too but sometimes the dmg will start downloading. If I get the gibberish I just go back and...
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    mysql query

    I use phpMyAdmin to export the sql and then insert it into a new database. jwalk76 is correct too.
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    OS X Swingers Club...

    >>I guess "swinging" does not have quite the same meaning as it once did... Swinging is couples looking for other couples or other partners...not single on single...that's called dating.
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    SuperDrive on PowerMac 9500/9600

    I'm not gonna be running Final Cut Pro, DVD Studio Pro, iMovie or iDVD. Instead of burning stuff to CD-R...anything that is over 700mb is going to be burned to DVD-R. The only app I will be using Roxio Toast 5.2 to burn the DVDs. I also just installed a SuperDrive on an older G4. I can...