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  1. macidiot

    weird trouble with programs closing

    well, I made a new user account, and I can open things fine in there... But I still can't from mine, Also I can't open System Preferences from the apple menu anymore. Same thing happens. And I can't delete an account I made a while ago from system prefs either. this has been happening for a...
  2. macidiot

    weird trouble with programs closing

    I tried repair permissions, and I tried a link from your sig, neither one worked. :( any more suggestions?
  3. macidiot

    weird trouble with programs closing

    I am having some weird trouble, and I am not sure what to do. When ever I double click on a file, and the corresponding application opens, it will close before that application finishes opening. But if I open the application, and then double click on the file, it will open the file fine...
  4. macidiot


    killer, thanks Cheryl and RacerX! :)
  5. macidiot


    I have only recently heard about A/UX, an old apple implementation of UNIX around the system 5-7 days... I don't really know a lot about it, but I have several old macs and I would like to check A/UX out. Does anyone know where I can get a copy of it?
  6. macidiot

    Original iBook for sale

    none that I have found...
  7. macidiot

    Original iBook for sale

    I just upgraded the hard drive it now has a 10 GB hard drive in it, and OS X 10.2
  8. macidiot

    Original iBook for sale

    I have an original Bluberry iBook, 300 Mhz, 192 MB RAM, 3 GB HD, airport ready, OS 9 installed. Everything thing works great except the battery which doesn't take a charge. It does work wonderfull under the power adapter however. The power adapter is new, I just got it about a month ago...
  9. macidiot

    SHUTDOWN without warning SCARY!!

    might be over heating... or possibly a power supply issue... I would contact apple's tech support... get that fixed... BTW, how did you get OS 12.2.6? :)
  10. macidiot

    X-Men 2: Worth seeing?

    X2 was the best comic book movie I have seen hands down.
  11. macidiot

    1 firewire port not working?

    try to reset the pram... hold down apple-option-p-r during boot up (as soon as you turn it on) then wait for the start up chime. (I usually wait for 2 start up chimes, A tech support guy at apple told me it was better. I dont know if it makes any difference.)
  12. macidiot

    $ 279.95 for a Poster

    holy sneakers batman! I have that poster! any one interested? I would sell it for $250! :) lmao
  13. macidiot

    Original iBook & Battery/Poweradapter Problems

    darn... those batteries are expensive... cheapest new one I've found is $108, and I dont trust the used ones on e-bay... :(
  14. macidiot

    Original iBook & Battery/Poweradapter Problems

    Hello All... I just got an original iBook today, and I am having problems with the battery, and the Power adapter. I wanted to get others opinions on what the problem could be... The guy I bought it off of used it for years with no problems, but hasn't used it for about a year, so it has...
  15. macidiot

    apple store is offline!

    As usual when apple makes an announcement the apple store is offline. I just wish I could watch it...
  16. macidiot

    Apple Sticker on your car?

    I always have, and always will have an apple sticker on my car. And it is always great to see someone else with one.
  17. macidiot

    Spell checking in Safari...

    woohoo! because I am a bad speller :)
  18. macidiot offline?

    Now there is something up there, and it is bad news. :(
  19. macidiot

    Spell checking in Safari...

    umm... safari has that now. I am using it as I type. Just control click on a text area and you have several spelling options.
  20. macidiot

    Original iBook max Ram

    Killer dusty, that is exactly the sort of thing I was looking for... Thanks man! :)