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  1. macidiot

    The Question-Question Thread

    didn't the subject get changed?
  2. macidiot

    The Question-Question Thread

    Are you getting ready to get off work in 2 min. like me? (gtg)
  3. macidiot

    Death or Cake?

    Can I get my death decorated with candles?
  4. macidiot

    The Question-Question Thread

    weren't you talking about me changing the subject?
  5. macidiot

    The Question-Question Thread

    are we talking about the same thing?
  6. macidiot

    The Question-Question Thread

    what's the subject?
  7. macidiot

    The Question-Question Thread

    what question?
  8. macidiot

    The Question-Question Thread

    42. darn it, did it again.... what is life?
  9. macidiot

    My Mac OS 10.1.5 doesn't want to start up...

    try fsck -y more info on fsck
  10. macidiot

    Converting WHOLE Folders...

    Yes, it is possible, I think graphic converter can do it and I know photoshop can do it, because I did it in photoshop... click here for instructions...
  11. macidiot

    keeps on defaulting to internal modem

    actually, yes. forgot you could do that...
  12. macidiot

    The stupidest thing you've ever done

    one night I came home after a night of heavy drinking to find that I didn't take my keys with me, and my rootmate was gone also... it was in the middle of winter, and I didn't have a coat.... or pants... (don't ask) :) I passed out up against the door, with the screen door closed up against me...
  13. macidiot

    The Question-Question Thread

    42. oh wait, sorry, suppose to post another question... what meaning are you looking for?
  14. macidiot

    presentation for linux user group

    I am giving a presentation for my local linux user group on OSX and I want to really show the unix side of OS X, I have a few ideas, but nothing too exciting... so what I am asking is for some suggestions on cool things that will impress hard core unix heads... THanks in advance....
  15. macidiot

    difference between dvd-r & dvd+r

    Yes! Thank you hazmat!
  16. macidiot

    difference between dvd-r & dvd+r

    I don't have a dvd recorder, but I had this question while reading This Thread... what is the difference between dvd-r(w) and dvd+r(w)? thanks in advance...
  17. macidiot

    Permissions error with Classic

    not a solution to your problem by a long shot, but here are some OSX versions of VNC.
  18. macidiot

    UNIX command line tool "softwareupdate" works!

    oh wow, that is wicked... I had no idea that existed... now I can do it via terminal from work, no reason I can think of why I would want to, but gosh darn it I am going to just because I can!!! :)
  19. macidiot

    Deleted My Users!!! Help!!

    unix doesn't suck... it's just a little (translation: a lot) more complex then other OS... anyway, here's what I would do, boot in to 9 if you have it installed, if not boot off a CD, and install it... that way you can back up as much as possible... then try this, if you have any way of...
  20. macidiot

    Disabling sleep in OS X

    I believe that 10.2 is going to fix that. I dont know for sure however, I dont own any *book's, but I do remember reading somewhere that 10.2 will allow you do do it...