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  1. Valrus

    The Duct Tape Thread!

    I have a friend who put on a leopard-skin, um, thingy and war paint and duct-taped his nipples and then went and took his Computer Science final. Seriously. He has pictures. -the valrus
  2. Valrus

    New rule?: Annoyances

    Uhh, yeah. Mozilla is pretty darn good if you use the Pinstripe theme. So back off! I still use Chimera instead whenever I can though. -the valrus
  3. Valrus

    Question - Answer

    Intermittently. Who's your daddy? -the valrus
  4. Valrus

    Question - Answer

    I don't know! Third base! -the valrus
  5. Valrus

    What's your age?

    Wow, Bluefusion, you're only 15? I would have thought you were quite a bit older. :D -the valrus
  6. Valrus

    Need some help

    I think I voted. I don't have to register or anything do I? Vote for Ninja also. How could you not? Her name is Ninja! Anyway good luck Click! Start a new thread with a name like "Free Money" and maybe you'll get more visitors! -the valrus
  7. Valrus

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Yum, mocha. I can't stand actual coffee, but I'm crazy about anything with coffee flavor in it. Coffee ice cream, mocha hot chocolate, coffee cake... wait a minute. -the valrus
  8. Valrus

    where is HP?

    I'm guessing it's because they're mucho lame. Also you already bought their product, so what do they care whether or not you can actually use it? -the valrus
  9. Valrus

    MS gets a taste of it's own medicine.

    I dunno, I don't have a problem with the GameCube controller. But who cares? Just give me Dance Dance Revolution and I'm happy. Best... game... ever! Although it's kind of a b*tch when those controllers (the foot pads) screw up. -the valrus
  10. Valrus

    Alternative itunes Icon.

    Three words that I'm surprised no one's brought up yet: Second-hand smoke. Eh? Maybe that doesn't relate to weed too much. You can't stop the spiral of this thread now, satanicpoptart. :D That's what you get for bringin' up weed in a forum full of smart people with all kinds of...
  11. Valrus

    Congrats to nkuvu!

    I dunno, maybe it'd be best to start another thread for that. Ultimately this is nkuvu's thread (sort of), so you should at least get his permission first. I'd join in though. :D If nkuvu agrees, though, go for it. This thread is turning into the nkuvu and Ed show! :p -the valrus
  12. Valrus

    Fonts -- Too many to handle

    My advice is to install the X Window system. Next to that, the amount of fonts you have will seem utterly insignificant! Always pleased to be of service, -the valrus
  13. Valrus

    Jaguar Observations...

    Um, I think they gave the Watson folks a nice-ass computer (something like an Ultimate G4 tower) for winning that award too... granted, that's kind of a small thing, and I hope the Watson people at least get bought or hired by Apple or something. But that's not why I wanted to post here. The...
  14. Valrus

    Question - Answer

    Answer and Question: Don't we all? -the valrus
  15. Valrus word association!

    a woman needs a man -the valrus
  16. Valrus

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Since you all ignored me the first time so you could start flaming each other... :rolleyes: Something funny (but relevant) in here, for God's sake...
  17. Valrus

    Question - Answer

    Also, e^(pi * i) + 1 = 0 is the coolest formula ever. :D -the valrus
  18. Valrus

    Question - Answer

    This is NOT an answer to a recent question. But I think simX said this: Nice job simX! Some terminology for you: factors besides the number itself are, I think, called "proper" factors. Also. Given a natural number n, if n's proper factors sum to more than n, then n is called "abundant."...
  19. Valrus

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    All right, here's what we're gonna do. You all are gonna go to My New Fighting Technique is Unstoppable, unless a lot of swearing gives you hives or something (which I suspect it doesn't) and look at the "get your war on" section, and then you're gonna come back here and chortle about it for...
  20. Valrus

    Mac Gaming

    Maybe I mistyped the "s." :p -the valrus