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  1. Valrus

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Quit callin' nkuvu a postaholic. nkuvu's posts, along with Ed and RacerX's, are some of the ones I look forward to reading the most, because they're intelligent, frequently funny, and above all well thought out. They don't just crank out posts for the sake of cranking out posts; they crank them...
  2. Valrus

    MacOS X.2: A two cents worth opinion...

    The poll options seem a bit biased. But they'll have the opposite of what I perceive to be the intended effect: more people will choose the first option because it's not as strongly expressed. So people who are wavering will pick the first. Now, if it said "Yes, I think it's perfect!" or...
  3. Valrus

    Random thoughts/feelings on realMyst, Rime Age

    Ahhhhh... I don't get it. -the valrus
  4. Valrus

    The Non-Computer Games Thread

    There are a few other games that are "word-oriented" and pretty good... the one that comes to mind is "Wordsters," where you get a set of three letters, like "ard," and try to make words that contain it, in that order but not necessarily contiguously. Like "aardvark" and "bard" and "flared."...
  5. Valrus

    LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

    Hah! Ah ha ha ha ha! Oh, boy! That was classic! -the valrus
  6. Valrus

    The Non-Computer Games Thread

    I'd play strip Magic with my special someone, if... 1. I had a special someone 2. She played Magic Give it time. :p And jason - sounds like you need to get Cities and Knights, since you didn't mention "paper, cloth and coins" in there as well. After you've gotten used to Cities and...
  7. Valrus

    XDarwin & Orobor

    I think the newest version of OroborOSX has its own version of XDarwin included with it, so if you have a seperate version of XDarwin that might be what's screwing you up. If you're sure you have XFree86 installed right, you might want to trash XDarwin and try again, just using OroborOSX...
  8. Valrus

    Explorer 5.5?

    It's kinda crap with standards too. I used to use it to test my website, but then I looked at my site in Mozilla and Chimera and it didn't look as good - there was some stuff which only worked in IE, which was retarded. The standards were not the same. I changed some stuff around and now most...
  9. Valrus

    The Non-Computer Games Thread

    Oh cool - the original German version. Have you tried Starfarers of Catan yet? I want to (although it looks kinda cheesy), but it's like $60, and that's kind of a lot when the original Settlers with Seafarers and Cities&Knights is so good. -the valrus
  10. Valrus

    Random thoughts/feelings on realMyst, Rime Age

    I thought Myst was mad freaky. One of the scariest games I have ever played. And I didn't even finish it! Part of it was being completely alone in this huge world. Part of it was that those two brothers were CRAZY F***S! Pardon my French. I remember opening that drawer in the one...
  11. Valrus

    Manual install of OSX

    A manual install, eh? All right. Get a *really* powerful microsope, and put the Mac OS X CD under it. There should be a lot of little bumps in concentric circles. Now open up your computer, take out the hard drive, and open it up so that you can see the discs. Using a small, sharp...
  12. Valrus

    Magical AppleCentre?

    You are the coolest person ever. :D -the valrus
  13. Valrus

    Testing FinkCommander...

    Of course, now that I have some idea what I'm doing with the command line, maybe I'll try out FinkCommander sometime. Probably not anytime soon though, since I'm going home in a couple days... where we have dial-up, one phone line, and a PeeCee already connected to it! So Fink would probably not...
  14. Valrus

    i feel like complaining

    And if you just need to read .doc files (why would you want to actually EDIT them?), you can get the UNIX command-line app antiword. It converts them to PDF and works pretty well. -the valrus
  15. Valrus

    Repent for being a Mac user!!

    Okay, I believe I'm the Math=Jesus guy. :p So. Here's what I think. I think that everything has a basis in math - that if you go down to the lowest level, the most basic concepts on which this universe operates, you'll find that the rules that hold constant all the way down are the rules of...
  16. Valrus

    Anyone else?

    I've done the Cycle Across Maryland (about 300 miles in 6 days) for five years - I took a break last summer but I hope to do it again this year. It's grand. And they have a Shower Truck! A truck! With showers in it! Hah! And my mom's a huge bike junkie. So she got a pretty nice bike, and...
  17. Valrus

    The Non-Computer Games Thread

    By the way - sorry about the double post - I think some of the categories in Balderdash Beyond are kinda dumb. In fact, I think the only worthwhile ones are movies, acronyms and word definitions. The dates and people are too much just making any old crap up; with the others, you have to make...
  18. Valrus

    The Non-Computer Games Thread

    Actually googolplex, the original Balderdash was just words. The game you're describing is called "Balderdash Beyond" or something like that. I can't stand Monopoly. Maybe it's because every time I play, I land on every space but the properties and consequently I get screwed over later in the...
  19. Valrus

    Ahahaha. What a great banner ad! (Seriously, a GOOD one.)

    Ha. What a cretin. And so appropriate to have him on stage representing Microsoft at their expos. Or whatever those things are. -the valrus
  20. Valrus

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Hey, simX changed his avatar back! -the valrus