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  1. W

    Attention Mac Pirates...

    don't worry Apple probably heard all this so did other specialised in video editing ... companies.. something will turn up
  2. W

    creating zip files : newbie...

    get it through fink ;)
  3. W

    Built-in fax: where's the demand?

    yea specially in CANADA it'z soo irritating.. but o well.
  4. W

    Best ide for Java and Jbuilder question...

    JBuilder is not so great... why do u guys like it? (curious)
  5. W

    Webserver Blocked...?

    k try resetting ur airport. then access ur site using port 80 form outside ur lan (using ur external ip address)
  6. W

    eBay auction poster

    true u can use webservices... that would increase productivity. i can easily create an (ugly) app in Java that does all this for me.. hehe.. u need to first see which services are available that does this eBay stuff.. check out i know i created a front end GUI to the...
  7. W

    tried it successfully

    if u tell the mods which topic, they can merge it for u
  8. W

    Files fail to transfer from one Mac to to fix?

    o btw u could'ev use bzip2 compression and had better results :) or.. 7-Zip for even better compression results, but 7-Zip is only for windows... how cheap. :(
  9. W

    Webserver Blocked...?

    since u have a lan... then try testing ur server inside the lan: http://<lan_ip_addr_of_server_machine>:8080/ in ur browser if that does not work then somethi's is worng with that machine.. like probably firewall settings, or messed up Webserver Configuration. but if it does work...
  10. W

    Apple Store Pro Card

    :D cool now let it stay at 100 for a while now or u'll ruin it ;) :D :confused: :rolleyes: :cool: :D
  11. W

    HUGE "bug" in OS X? Hmmmmm...

    yea sry should't have said BOOM! ... but... BOOM! yea just havin fun... no dosen't work..
  12. W

    What if "Project" is next?

    yea probably.. whatever... everything we pridict they try to prove false (at least sorta false)... and they call it a supprise. hah.
  13. W

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    change it back .. change it back
  14. W

    Waiting for ordened memory

    lol Herve
  15. W

    Apple and NASA

    well the whole point of the G5 is that it is specially designed as a dual processor system.
  16. W

    Hydra (Code Editor)

    i like the concept. the idea. but i can't use it since no one here uses a mac. darn these mac haters...
  17. W

    Best ide for Java and Jbuilder question... hmm... uses IBM's SWT... thats probably why it's so fast... neat... why don't they replace AWT with SWT?... o well.
  18. W

    Java Games

    yea i know openGL is not a language, but a api. btw i think Java 3D is just an interface to underllying opengl or directx libraries. :/
  19. W

    Java Games

    hey the problem is Java3D is not ported to osx?!? i'm not sure. OpenGL will be ur best choice, for now. But i've seen some pretty cool Java Games. o yeah! on my pc though.