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  1. M

    Contextual Menus broken after Panther upgrade

    no third party enhancers, but I'll try to run disk Utility to verify & repair permissions... thanks for the suggestion!
  2. M

    Contextual Menus broken after Panther upgrade

    After using an iBook for a long time under Jaguar, we've finally upgraded to Panther. Everything went smoothly (albeit slowly) and the upgrade successfully completed. The only customizations I did in upgrade were to not include printer drivers and add X11. Now that it's done & fully system...
  3. M

    iBook not sleeping in 10.1.5

    our (white) iBook 600 is no longer sleeping, even after a software restore from the 4 cds. The screen saver works but the iBook only goes to sleep if you manually tell it to. There had been a few times where the iBook's screen saver had locked up, too (the image fadey stuff just sorta stopped...
  4. M

    entourage x conduit rant

    Does anyone know if the newly announced (by Handspring) "Palm Desktop 4.0" is any different from the one which has been on Palm's site for months, but was previously unsupported by Handspring...
  5. M

    entourage x conduit rant

    1.) I'm not 14. I've been using computers for nearly 20 years now & have seen them grow & change & get progressively more complex, not always for the better. 2.) your responses are off-topic & remarkably unhelpful. Thanks. Perhaps you'll find it more useful to offer constructive suggestions...
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    entourage x conduit rant

    yup morons are annoying. So, has anyone successfully gotten Entourage X to synch with a Palm (or Handspring) PDA in OSX?? I saw a bunch of posts about minor nuisances with Company Names or something but I can't even get it to finish a synch. Any other solutions (possibly even alternatives...
  7. M

    entourage x conduit rant

    just got a new Palm m500 to replace our old Handspring Visor Deluxe (as HVD doesn't successfully synch with EntourageX, and its connectivity with Palm Desktop 4 sux as well...); We had been using the beta Palm Desktop 4.0 for a while (with tolerable, but buggy results on the old...