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  1. S

    os x on unsupported box

    Every GNU/Linux distro I have ever used shipped with some version of Netatalk, a pretty comprehensive AFP, PAPD, DDP server package. There are two source forks, the original U of MI tree and Adrian Sun's asun tree. I always used asun, because it used to be much more functional, but I don't keep...
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    Wireless idea...
  3. S


    Thanks X. I think I might wipe my VLi8 (PII400/128 Matrox Millenium G200 AGP) and start over on that. Oddly, I think it has better hardware compatibility, assuming I can find that G200 driver.
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    True 'dat. I had already looked, although I wasn't really sure which 8 meg card was best. They have a page there for a Matrox G100/200 driver, but the link is dead. That is the driver Windows claims it uses for the VL7 and VLi8, although when I took the 7 apart it was a Cirrus chip. Where...
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    Perfect. Thanks. What is the largest partition on which anyone here has successfully installed DR2? Mine balked at 3 gig and worked on 1.5.
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    RacerX: The version of OmniWeb I found on is an expired beta. Where can I get a license of a usable copy?
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    I got DR2 off a Carracho server named OS6. I opened upi the VL7 and poked around. The on board video was a Cirruss Logic controller, which was just a bit too new for Rhapsody, and the Ethernet card was a weird PCnet based thing. I scrounged an Intel eepro and a Matrox Millenium (MGA2064W...
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    lpd/lpr printing... do I need to allow access?

    I double-checked my config and all I had done was add the hosts.lpd entry and create a firewall rule allowing my TiBook access to lpd. To run lpd in foreground mode, kill the existing daemon and run /usr/sbin/lpd -F ( I think. It is worth checking the man page.) Log in from a terminal on your OS...
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    I downloaded the DR2 images off OS6 and installed on an HP Vectra VL7 without too much trouble. The main sticking point was thatit didn't like the full 3 gig drive. When I chopped it int two partitions everything installed OK. My main problem now is that I have no color. The machine has a Matrox...
  10. S

    lpd/lpr printing... do I need to allow access?

    You might need to modify the permissions in /etc/lpd.perms, although I am quite sure the default permissions worked for me. Take a look at the logs on the server and client. Try running lpd (on the server) in foreground (debugging) mode and try again. That should give you a better idea of what...
  11. S

    lpd/lpr printing... do I need to allow access?

    Hmm... if you restarted lpd, that implies lpd is running as a separate service, not under xinetd. If it were running under xinetd/tcpwrappers, you would need to modify your hosts.alllow. You could try adding them to /etc/hosts.equiv. I don't think it RedHat 7.2 will care, but some old BSD...
  12. S

    lpd/lpr printing... do I need to allow access?

    Typically, you need to add the client machine to /etc/hosts.lpd on the server. Also, if your server is running a firewall, make sure it allows port 515 (IIRC) access from your client.
  13. S

    A little word about profanity

    Almost forgot, it was also a reference to the theory that Yahweh was a member of the Mesopotamian (IIRC) pantheon who broke off and went solo. Essentially, just your run of the mill god who outgrew his roots.
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    A little word about profanity

    Specifically, I was referring to Yahweh, Jah, the Father, Allah or whichever permutation of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic deity he was pondering when he brought up religion. However, the same goes for your Hinyana(Therevada)/Mahayana Buddhas, Shinto kami, Great Spirit or whatever. I think it is...
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    A little word about profanity

    Clearly you haven't spent much time in my employer's data center. ;) What do religious institutions have to do with professionalism? If you can ask me not swear (which I generally don't in this context) I feel more than justified in asking you to keep your overgrown volcano god to yourself...
  16. S

    Linux printer <-> Mac OSX

    Yeah, at work I was having Postscript incompatibilities between OS X and an HP LJ 8050 (or something like that). It kept telling me I needed a PSL2 driver. Finally I got sick of it, sshed into a RedHat 7.2 workstation I had built for our Ops team, added my TiBook to its hosts.lpd, and created an...
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    Linux printer <-> Mac OSX

    I agree. I have had very good luck with lpd printing using a Ghostcript RIP. Netatalk has painful AFP compatibility issues with OSX. PAP may work fine between them, I haven't tried, but Occam's razor dictates lpd/Ghostscript. Regarding Samba, I don't think OS X can print over Netbios.
  18. S

    Linux printer <-> Mac OSX

    I agree. I have had very good luck with lpd printing using a Ghostcript RIP. Netatalk has painful AFP compatibility issues with OSX. PAP may work fine between them, I haven't tried, but Occam's razor dictates lpd/Ghostscript. Regarding Samba, I don't think OS X can print over Netbios.
  19. S

    MetaFrame ?

    Nope, still can't quote out the spaces in arguments.