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  1. ddma

    How many of you are using Safari?

    Let's have a poll!
  2. ddma

    Aqua Safari

    Search for Metallifizer from It allows you to add/remove the brushed interface in any Cocoa apps.
  3. ddma

    Aqua Safari

  4. ddma

    12" PowerBook G4 in fact is a 12" iBook G4???

    I hope the 15" model will get updated soon as well as 17" features... So I will instantly fall in love with it... Or 12" model includes all features of the 17"... like backlit keyboard and Fireware 800 and PC card slot...
  5. ddma

    12" PowerBook G4 in fact is a 12" iBook G4???

    Well, from the spec... No PCMCIA, No ADC, Not 1-inch think... The 12" PowerBook G4 in fact is a 12" iBook G4...
  6. ddma

    2AM, new .Mac Address Book feature updated.

    Alright, now it is coming soon. I think we have to wait until Steve Jobs to annouce it.
  7. ddma chat now open

    Click "Go Back" and "Continue" :)
  8. ddma chat client available

    Alright, thanks adambyte :-* I am installing it now :) see ya soon.
  9. ddma

    2AM, new .Mac Address Book feature updated.

    Hmm... It has been syncing for a while... Keep reloading the page... What's wrong?
  10. ddma

    iPod Photo Edition

    I still think it is very cool to be a e-photo album :p I am stuborn.
  11. ddma chat client available

    I've run the installer but it appears the below error box every time I try to launch the application.
  12. ddma

    iPod Photo Edition

    i think a 6oz electronic photo album is cool :)
  13. ddma

    iPod Photo Edition

    I think Apple is likely to release a larger but thinner iPod like device for Photo browsing. As many rumors said the new iPhoto is ready but we didn't see it to release together with iSync and iCal, is that mean the new iPhoto will support the new digital device for browsing photos? Let's...
  14. ddma

    Apple to go x86 for sure. Got proof.

    hahaha... hahaha... sorry... hahaha... well, i think new applications are writen in Cocoa... hahaha... well... yes... Cocoa is the programming API on Mac OS X... shouldn't Apple have to write program in Cocoa?? Or
  15. ddma

    Apple to introduce video iPod

    Well, btw, has anyone seen this thing? It plays MP3, JPG, MPEG1 and DAT (a.k.a. VCD).
  16. ddma

    Apple to introduce video iPod

    i see porn porn porn in my friend's gateway 42" plasma tv :p
  17. ddma

    Apple to introduce video iPod

    i see porn porn porn in my bed with the new *video* ipod :p
  18. ddma

    What Happens To My Win XP Desktop???
  19. ddma

    iSync 1.0 and iCal 1.0.1

    Yes yes. Just tried iCal, it speeds up lots in this version :-) guys will love it. Damn it... For the first time we can now sync the address book with too :-)