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  1. satanicpoptart

    How to make Slave HD FTP accesable?

    is there anyway i can make files on my slave 80 gig drive available via ftp? my master drive is to small to put all my mp3's on, and i would like to make my collection available for download. (basicaly for me to get them on my dads pc with out burning a billion cd's) can anybody help me out?
  2. satanicpoptart

    i broke my garage door

    aaaand damn it. teaches you not to be in a hurry! i was late for a meeting and pulled out of the garage before the garage door was up! CRACK! BOOM! and im in some deep trouble just for being in a hurry.
  3. satanicpoptart

    How big is your MP3 collection?

    my library is 1476 songs 6.85 gb... lately ive been download... i mean buying alot of new music, i think ill try that public library thing, its a great idea!
  4. satanicpoptart

    What does your wife think about all this stuff?

    my wife is my g4, she isnt very good in bed :p. but she is extremly loyal and thats why i love her;)
  5. satanicpoptart

    iChat BUG! HELP!

    ichat isnt done really, we have all experenced this bug and its usaly fixed by restarting the app. when .2.3 comes all these problems will be fixed (probably/hopefuly)
  6. satanicpoptart

    A hello, welcome, I'm new thread ?

  7. satanicpoptart

    What's your most treasured bit-o-hardware?

    my speakers.. drooooooooooooooooooooool... i still cant get over them
  8. satanicpoptart

    [HOWTO] - Setup FTP access on your OSX machine.

    i would make a new thread for this question but for some reason i dont have acces... how do i make files outside of the home directory? i have two hard drives and i want to make all my music available by ftp. my music is all located on the slave drive, how can i access those files on the...
  9. satanicpoptart

    i can drive!

    well i just turned 16, forgot to update my profile..... xaq- your time will come.
  10. satanicpoptart


    i read through all of the main osx complaints and the number one complaint is the same as what it was a year ago, slowness. well i had the same complaint i hated the spinning ball so i did something about it. i installed mox optimize and turned the window server level up. now no more ball...
  11. satanicpoptart

    i can drive!

    i got my drivers licence today! waho! just letting you all know, im quite exited..... (insert perverted scientist laugh)
  12. satanicpoptart

    You know you've been in the forum too long when...

    when you make really good freinds in other states/countrys (not nessasarly bad thing) when you start to pray to a strange dutchman when you have shortcuts on your desktop, link list, and dock.
  13. satanicpoptart word association!

  14. satanicpoptart word association!

  15. satanicpoptart word association!

    how rare!
  16. satanicpoptart

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    the legend returns, for a nice subject you can all enjoy some healthy flash! weebl and bob style!
  17. satanicpoptart


    how rare!
  18. satanicpoptart

    I found an Easter Egg in 10.2!

    how rare! no steve... thats not stolen software......... eerrrrr
  19. satanicpoptart

    rhino youu are in lyons?? where is that?? im in lawrence! your the first kansan ive met here at id like to finslize this discution by saying that most all of us here would rather use a pc for games. and for everything else we like osx. so winaddict sure, pcs are great... for...
  20. satanicpoptart


    i read somethign somwere that the shipements of new ones are in transit for the mwsf release... its a sensible release date...