Search results

  1. minckster

    Does everyone get Security Update 2006-002 v1.1 Mac OS X 10.4.5?

    Does everyone get "Security Update 2006-002 v1.1 Mac OS X 10.4.5" ( The reason I ask is that Software Update tells me that my software is up to date, but I can see no evidence that 2006-002 v1.1 was installed...
  2. minckster

    Free TurboTax Online if AGI < $50K

    TurboTax Online is now free if your AGI is under $50,000 - a substantial increase over last year's cutoff. Other tax preparation companies have similar free programs, but I didn't search for any links. Apparently the IRS forced the for-profits' hands by threatening to start an IRS free, online...
  3. minckster

    Front row movie trailer problem

    I'm having the same problem with a PPC iMac G5 (iSight). User "Majicman" reports in Apple's support forum that Apple is aware of the problem (link below). I guess I'll just wait patiently ... ok, impatiently.
  4. minckster

    Lurker's thread...

    An lurker's thread, to make the this reminder go away.
  5. minckster

    SimCity4 unplayable

    There's a performance update on Apple's site that helps a little. I'll never spend another dime on Aspyr software -- huge ripoff! Edit to add better link:
  6. minckster

    Keychain Issue - Safari the cause?

    Although not directly on point, you may find something useful in this thread, In particular, check out the instructions from Mac support for "kcSync -reset". Good luck!
  7. minckster

    10 things i hate about my mac (not really)

    I have a hint for #2, re Windows/Mac networking. I usually have my Windows box off and when I'd turn it on, it wouldn't show up reliably under "Mshome" in "Network" in the Finder. Now I click on the desktop, press Command-K, and connect via IP address (in my case smb://
  8. minckster

    Security breach/os x "clean install"

    If you want to, you can do a clean install of OSX. I just did it, and other than a keychain problem in .Mac, it wasn't bad. If I remember correctly, you have to hold down 'C' as the Mac reboots with the installation DVD in the drive. You'll get a choice between (paraphrasing) "erase, format, and...
  9. minckster

    How can I put my name on a used computer

    I'm not certain about the proper terminology, but the OP may be asking about the local machine name (domain name, host name?). My iMac defaulted to "firstname lastname's iMac G5" (firstname-lastname-imac-g5.local). If you can figure out what I mean, how would one go about changing that?
  10. minckster

    [HOWTO] enable Safari to ask to save login password at all sites

    Some sites, like Yahoo, use "autocomplete=off" to disable the browser's ability to remember the User Name and Password for logging into that site. Javascript bookmarklets that overcome this limitation don't work in Safari. What to do? I found a way that enables Safari to ask about saving...
  11. minckster

    How do I delete tracks in iTunes w/ keyboard only?

    Sorry. I shouldn't be laughing. Those darn anglocentric Americans! Good luck translating to the correct English term, assuming that K works for Behalten and M for In den Papierkorb. Does OSX behave like that everywhere, or just iTunes? Thank you for the reply. And thanks too for testing...
  12. minckster

    How do I delete tracks in iTunes w/ keyboard only?

    Virius -- Although tabbing works for me in other apps, it doesn't in iTunes. Does it for you? Lt. Major Burns -- :-) That's great to know. Thanks! Now I'm off to see if Windows does that. Doubt it! I'm guessing that if two buttons start with the same letter (e.g., Keep and Kill), I could type...
  13. minckster

    How do I delete tracks in iTunes w/ keyboard only?

    Is there a way to delete tracks in iTunes using only the keyboard? Using cmd-delete or option-delete gives a popup, but I can't figure out the keyboard sequence to choose different buttons without the mouse. (N.B. You may have selected "Do not ask me this again" for option-delete, if you don't...
  14. minckster

    Add link to already existing RSS2 feed

    Could you add <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title=" - Mac Support RSS 2 Feed" href="external.php?type=RSS2" /> to the template for the forums? You only have <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title=" - Mac Support RSS Feed"...
  15. minckster


    Thanks sauria! That worked. :D I had a bit of trouble though. When I'd try to sync the keychain, I'd get an error, Then the (correct) password would be erased in the Account tab of .Mac preferences. Bookmarks, etc. sync'd fine. The error message appeared only when I tried to sync the...
  16. minckster

    What Changed You???

    Bottom line: iPod and iTunes brought me to Mac. I had been frustrated with Windows for a long time and considered switching but couldn't get past my sticker shock at the Apple store. I thought that I'd wait until the time came to replace my system, but that never happened because I upgrade the...
  17. minckster

    Viewing videos from the web

    What kind of video is it, i.e., what's its extension (.mov, .wmv)? You'll probably want to get the free flip4mac player at It allows Quicktime to play various Windows Media, without installing Microsoft Windows Media Player for Mac (which MS may not even distribute any...
  18. minckster


    I am having this problem too, ever since I did a clean re-install of OSX. I'd be perfectly content to erase _everything_ on .Mac and start over, but unregistering my iMac, deleting everything that I can reach via the browser (contacts, bookmarks, and mail) doesn't help with sync refusing to...