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  1. W

    DVD on the new PowerMacs?

    Could you post some info on this box. I have the same problem and your $60 box looks like an attractive alternative to buying a new video card.
  2. W

    help with pci graphics card with tv out

    I have a Yikes G4 tower and am looking for a new graphics card so that I can speed up my machine and also watch movies on a tv rather than on my monitor. If anyone has any recomedations for cards or can offer advice on which pc pci cards to flash to mac it would really be appreciated.
  3. W

    help with email

    hi I've been using my email address for about six months now and all has been fine then on friday, Mail refused to connect to and has done ever since. I've tried using other email programs and they give me the same results. If anyone knows how I can access my email please help...
  4. W

    Get You Epson Stylus 670 OS X driver right here!

    hey! anyone tried to convert the epson stylus photo 1270 or 1280 driver to make a 1200 driver? if anyone could help or knows where to get a hacked driver that would be so much help. thanx kieran
  5. W

    Help needed with NTL cable modem, OS X and iMac

    hi have had the same problem, rang ntl and they said that the ip address is changed every 4 hours to you have to plug in the modem to the imac and have everything switched on, and when the ip address is released the modem will work. Its a pain ti have to wait up to 4 hours but ntl don't seem...
  6. W

    classic and x internet

    hi! can anyone tell me if its possible to the internet in os x if i'm connected in classic? I can't connect in os x because ntl don't yet support os x. any help would be great. thanks
  7. W


    does anyone know how I can get access to modify files in the system folder? I want to change the httpd.conf file so I can test php scripts on my machine, but I don't have access to do this although I am the admin. Any help:D :)