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  1. doemel

    The Official War Room

    One thing that I seem to keep reading in the foreign press is the religious fundamentalism that is common both to the USA and large parts of the Arab world. The more I think about it, the more it scares me. You have good reasons to be scared. Just take a look at history and how much pain...
  2. doemel

    The Official War Room

    About my "seeds of democracy"... as I said, binaryDigit: it's so paradox! USA is so sure they are the seeds of democracy, but the way they act rigth now they look more like Hittler than Saddam does. That's why the whole thing stinks Be careful with such statements! Be sure to back them up...
  3. doemel

    The Official War Room

    I think that by doing this, Bush has jeopardized his ablilty to run for a second term. I strongly hope he won't get a second term. As for Tony Blair: I'm sure glad he'll be out of his office after the next elections by the latest. What would be happening right now if Gore was president...
  4. doemel

    Problems releasing/renewing IP address on cable internet

    A friend of mine has Rogers cable internet access and 3 computers, 2 of which are always connected. She pays the extra 10 bucks to get two IPs from Rogers. Here's the setup: One Windows PC is always connected and is supposed to stay connected. There are two Macs that she would like to connect...
  5. doemel

    badmouthing our president

    Here's another question to all Americans participating in this discussion: How much non-American history is actually taught in American schools? Disclaimer: This is a serious question, not a flame or insult!
  6. doemel

    badmouthing our president

    IMHO a lot of political minding people in the USA thinks that CNN leans to the left spectrum of USA politics. I don't know what CNN was like 5 years ago but they are sure as hell not leaning to the left at the moment. They might be more subtle than FOX and the like but just try to read...
  7. doemel

    badmouthing our president

    A band like the Dixie Chicks is not an official voice of the US. Period. In my opinion most people should be allowed to badmouth a government without consequences. I'm not saying it's always a smart thing to do but as long as they are not representatives of any government they can say anything...
  8. doemel

    Elizabeth Smart found alive!

    LOL, only the ultra-short-skirt hot tennis girl with Jesus in the same pose as with the baseball kid is missing :D
  9. doemel

    Apple wants to keep me from buying a PB...

    I didn't know about that... thanks very much for the tip!
  10. doemel

    Apple wants to keep me from buying a PB...

    The problem with cash withrawal using a credit cards abroad is the fees involved are ridiculously high. Using a CC to buy something involves much lower fees. I mean, the CC business has to be profitable, right? It's basically a rip-off in my opinion, but what can you do...
  11. doemel

    Apple wants to keep me from buying a PB...

    OK, I think I owe you guys a follow-up on this story: After my frustrating experience at Apple I decided to do what I did to get my Wallstreet that I have sent to retirement now: I searched on eBay. After a few days I came across an irresistable deal: A brand new, sealed 867 MHz PowerBook with...
  12. doemel

    Installing Jaguar without CD drive - possible?

    Thanks, scruffy, that looks exactly what I would need to do. As mentioned in my previous post I got a new Ti PowerBook in the meanwhile so I don't need X on my Wallstreet anymore. In fact, I succeeded in reinstalling OS 9. I'm giving my Wallstreet to my ex-girlfriend in Toronto since I don't...
  13. doemel

    Installing Jaguar without CD drive - possible?

    Since I got my new G4 PowerBook last night I finally resolved this problem by installing the HDD of my Wallstreet into the G4 and reinstalling OS 9 that way. Thanks for all the tips.
  14. doemel

    Is war ever justified?

    lol, right, we want to colonialize a wasteland in the middle of a dessert, surrounded by 300 million proud muslims, kill off all the men and children, rape the women and create our own breed of sand loving superamerican. lol, right, so you're saying that anyone that says their proud to be an...
  15. doemel

    Is war ever justified?

    this thread is very hard for me to moderate as i am so involved in it. but i would like to ask everyone to read back over their last few posts and pplease remove any comments that belittle or question the intelligence of other members participating in it. there are no reasons for us to start...
  16. doemel

    Would anyone want to help me out?

    Thanks a lot for the picture! Now I have a decent background pic on the peecee I'm forced to work on at my internship job :D And since it's a Windows computer nobody will even bother about the low quality of the see that all the time on those. Few PC folks have a good sense of...
  17. doemel

    Installing Jaguar without CD drive - possible?

    if you have another mac available you might be able to start the pbook in firewire mode and install from the other mac, although i have no clue if that would work... just a thought though Isn't it SCSI mode you're referring to? That might work, I'll have to give it a try. But then again...
  18. doemel

    Installing Jaguar without CD drive - possible?

    I had the same problem with my Pismo. It was my father's computer before and he crushed the drive in his bag while travelling. So, now the cd spins against the case and doesnt read very well. I hooked up my external firewire cdrw burner to the powerbook and installed it from there. That...
  19. doemel

    Europe: Protesting in web can become a crime

    Pig brother strikes back...
  20. doemel

    Installing Jaguar without CD drive - possible?

    It's dead because I killed it. I opened it up fiddled around a bit and now I think one of the data cables has a major problem (I have tried to reseat the cable several times). The drive is still somehow recognized in Apple System Profiler (not correctly, though). OS 9 and X both sort of lock up...