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  1. K

    QuickTime 6 MPEG-2 codec...for 20 bucks!!!!!
  2. K

    Gateway's iMac look-alike!

    Why? Because they're scared. They aren't targetting the 5% Apple already has, but the masses in exodus from PC-dom. They don't want Apple to gain market share, so they put out this clumsily designed iMac prototype wannabe to try and keep as many of their current users as possible. It's not...
  3. K

    how to execute a command at user login?

    Mac-less? ouch! anyways...Wouldn't that open up I don't want Terminal to open, I just want it to run the script in the backround when I login without opening Terminal. I'm starting to think this may not even be possible...
  4. K

    how to execute a command at user login?

    How would I make my computer execute a unix command when I log in from the OS X login screen? I can only figure out how to make it execute something when I open a new terminal window, which I don't want it to do. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
  5. K

    OSX on my G3 400

    ...or you can go here and get a Radeon 7000 PCI Mac Edition for $99.98 + shipping. Best price you can get unless you get really lucky on eBay. Here's the link: The 7200rpm HD is also well worth it, boosted my iMac and this...
  6. K

    OS 10.2: Installer won't recognize HD!

    You probably just have to reformat. Not fun, I know, but 10.1 even pulled that little greyed out HD trick on me once. Reformatting worked.
  7. K

    Xserve being replaced?

    They are re-introducing tower server simply as a lower cost alternative to the Xserve for workgroups and the like. The Xserve is not being replaced.
  8. K

    Mhz vs Memory

    the basic rule is buy as much ram as you can afford up to your computer's supported limit. best investment you can make for your computer. As for the difference between 896mb and 1.25gb of RAM, it'll only make a difference really if you do a lot of really intensive stuff like audio/video...
  9. K

    Does Apple warranty against stupidity?

    A friend of mine broke the latch on my iBook by stupidly swinging around my carrying case without thinking (I then proceeded to kick his ass), I took it to the Apple store and they fixed it under warrenty. Stupidity broke it, they fixed it. Slightly different situation though...just argue that...
  10. K

    Help! iMac Slot Drive

    I have a extra slot loading CD-ROM drive laying around if you need a replacement, pay shipping and it's yours.
  11. K

    Liteswitch X and Jaguar

    uhh why does it seem that I'm the only one whom it has always worked for as long as I can remember in X. Still does in 10.1.5. Word is Jaguar "fixed" it but I don't think it ever broke...
  12. K

    WOOOHOOOO command-tab is fixed! [10.2]

    Was it ever broken? :rolleyes: I'm still on 10.1.5 and it works just fine, always has for me...
  13. K

    Quartz Extreme Check

    Does anyone know if it will work on my Yosemite tower with a Raedon 7000 32mb PCI card installed? Or do I just have to wait and find out myself :rolleyes:
  14. K

    too many polls

    I don't think there's too many polls, polls are fun even if they are useless. I don't see how it hurts anything if they are used a lot? Why don't we take a poll on this and see what everyone thinks :p
  15. K

    can YOU live without Microsoft?

    Yes, with great ease. Anyone can, those who voted no are just too brainwashed to realize the truth. Unless Bill Gates has a death warrent on you stating that if you don't use his products you give him the right to have you beheaded. Who knows, it could be in the Liscence Agreements for all M$...
  16. K

    Change your Desktop into a ScreenSaver

    Another good waste of processor cycles. woohoo! :D
  17. K

    OS X turning into XP

    I was just at the Apple Store at the Mall of America today, playing around with the new towers and I noticed it as well. It's a very subtle effect, doesn't stick out so far as the one in Win2k/XP. I like it better, the one in win2k/xp annoyed me, this is just a nice small touch for os x.
  18. K

    Test your real-world machine speed...

    My Blue & White tower (G3 350 overclocked to 400mhz, 512MB RAM, OS X.I.V, only the Finder running) 10 Billion Instructions Typical: 366.7 MIPS Fast Integer: 789.5 MIPS My iceBook (G3 500mhz original model, 384MB RAM, OS X.I.V, only the Finder running) 10 Billion Instructions Typical...
  19. K

    Mac OS X built-in benchmark!?

    Here's my 350 overclocked to 400mhz G3 B&W Tower results: sign verify sign/s verify/s rsa 512 bits 0.0074s 0.0007s 135.5 1372.1 rsa 1024 bits 0.0449s 0.0025s 22.3 407.4 rsa 2048 bits 0.2984s 0.0091s 3.4 110.0 rsa 4096 bits 2.1040s...