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  1. T

    have you been to the site lately I guess not I should talk about other things, and you should read the whole thread first. I said I removed everything cause I'm sick of this bs from people like you. and what's with this age stuff. it doesn't matter, just don't be jealous if someone younger...
  2. T

    i know what you mean but i don't get why my site out of all the aqua sites is being targeted. i mean what is it the best one? i mean has been up for over a year. and all apple did was say remove their logo thats it. so i think i'll take my site down but i don't know what i'm gonna...
  3. T

    well said but i think i'll turn macxp into something else not sure wat but it will be for both mac and xp users
  4. T

    and the trouble still starts. least i have no problem removing them. any other request on removing anything let me know they will be removed.
  5. T

    refresh i deleted something by mistake Windows ;) (just trying to get on yalls good side :rolleyes: )
  6. T

    would you all be happy if i turned macxp into a Mac Vs. Windows site *REALLY! yall seem to be good at fighting for macs it would make it perfect
  7. T

    ok sorry about the other stuff i just kinda took it personal my inbox has been flooded about 50 times today and was threaten to be hacked! now that doesn't make me happy but thats like. small not Timan not tinman ;) i don't like the wizardofoz ;)
  8. T

    let me ask you this. why do you care what windows users do to their machine. i mean if they want to have it like osx there is nothing in the world that can stop them. i just hate the fact that people with the real deal hate it. See i used to be on the team of about a year ago where...
  9. T

    aww how purdy ;)
  10. T

    show them the genie!!!
  11. T

    common sense is not so common
  12. T

    yall are the ones that are give mac users a bad names ur acting like 12 yr olds. the only reason i'm pissed is cause i'm getting spammed so damn much its not funny and i'm fu**** sick of it. damn yall should just chill there isnt' anything to be jelous of. just give up the fact that windows can...
  13. T

    mr. dricci i don't care if ur a 3rd grade english teacher but chill with the grammer stuff
  14. T

    the ones complaining about my site i see a few supporting and alot not i'm just pissed cause most of you just dont give up. apple must not care if all they said to us was to remove their logo thats it
  15. T

    well this is a windows user rite now we dont have to be all preppy and neat like some people so chill about grammer and stick on the subject
  16. T

    and if ur gonna talk about stealing the gui what about all these mac sites look at huh they got aqua buttons oooh i need to report them :mad:
  17. T

    We didn't steal nothing i am the creator of the site we did nothing aobut copyright crap. we do not steal shit, we are just in service for windows users who think it looks gay. now i know macs are better than windows infact i made that site on my imac so how u going to call me a mac hater. osx...
  18. T

    Os X and its mouse speed?

    thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!
  19. T

    Os X and its mouse speed?

    Some reason my apple pro mouse moves SOOOOOOOO Slow in osx anyversion*** using x10.1.3 but in os 9 it movies nice and fast but it just drives me crazy cause its slow and i'm used to a fast moving cursor any ideas?