Search results

  1. G

    Is there an OSX way to create a Classic Hostfile?

    You need to put a space between the . and machines: niutil -create . /machines/BigMac The . refers to your NetInfo domain; in this case it is '.', or your local machine. You could also use / instead: niutil -create / /machines/BigMac Also, you need to change the default lookup order of Jaguar...
  2. G

    haxies, docklings, etc. - which are useful?

    LiteSwitch X can be set to change the window layering behavior to "Single Application Mode", eliminating the need to use Show Desktop. To go to the desktop (Finder), simply click on the desktop, the Finder icon in the Dock, or Option+Tab to the Finder and all other apps will be hidden...
  3. G

    formating large drives

    It's an ATA limitation, not a firmware limitation. Ultra ATA/33 has a physical incapability of addressing drives beyond 32GB, since that is it's engineered limit. Ultra ATA/66 and 100 cannot address more than 137GB (although some 100 interfaces can have their firmware flashed to support drives...
  4. G

    Help with Terminal commands

    You can verify disks and permissions from the command line with diskutil: sudo diskutil verifyPermissions / sudo diskutil repairPermissions / You can also use it to check and repair disks: sudo diskutil verifyDisk /Volumes/non-bootdisk sudo diskutil repairDisk /Volumes/non-bootdisk You cannot...
  5. G

    Help with Terminal commands

    cevin--These links will probably be helpful to you if you would like to do some basic reading on OS X's UNIX underpinnings: O'Reilly's MacDevCenter primer (should probably be the first thing you read): The OS X FAQ...
  6. G

    SystemUIServer & configd

    What hardware devices do you have plugged in? Any FireWire devices?
  7. G

    Is there an OSX way to create a Classic Hostfile?

    Under Jaguar, flat files are consulted first, so /etc/hosts would be the first item consulted, unless you change the lookup order of lookupd. If you add "NIAgent" to the lookup order, you can add machines entries (host entries) with NetInfo Manager in the GUI or via the command line: sudo -s...
  8. G

    Problem with compilation since 10.2 !

    dictd-1.9 OS X 10.2.4, December 2000 Developer's Tools, fink 0.5.1.cvs Somewhat abbreviated, but the relevant clues left intact. Here's the first error: Okay: fink install libtool libtool-shlibs sudo ln -s /sw/include/ltdl.h /usr/include/ltdl.h source ~/.cshrc Try, try again: ./configure...
  9. G

    Problem with compilation since 10.2 !

    I have been unable to compile a dict server (dictd-1.9.1) for Mac OS X -- as soon as I surmount one hurdle, another quickly presents itself. I may just have to use the Java server, since the C-based server just will not compile easily. I'm sure it would compile with some massaging, but I don't...
  10. G

    Major Memory leak - Acquisition

    A lot of file sharing applications are known to have major memory leaks. Run them at your own risk (and with plenty of available free space for swapfiles).
  11. G

    Making renice settings stick?

    You could automate the process as a LoginItem shell script or AppleScript that runs after the desired application launches.
  12. G

    setting users

    michaelsanford -- note that Ahrbok has the Server version of OS X on his G4. NetInfo & OpenDirectory can indeed act as a network authentication center for all the 'children' on the network. This is typical of a corporate environment, but unusual in a SOHO or small workgroup setting, so you might...
  13. G

    What is the cdrom called in the /dev Directory??

    VPC with a DOS license is $89. Bring your own copy of Windows 98 or SE and you're all set. That's what I did here. Bochs was painful to configure and slooooooooooooooooow. It's not worth the effort, generally.
  14. G

    [HOW TO] - Setup QTSS on Jaguar

    *sigh* Why must requests for HOWTOs come in entitled as if they were actual HOWTOs? This forum is really not the appropriate place to post an initial request for directions. Once someone replies with accurate, factual directions, THEN something qualifies to be a HOWTO. Until then, it is a...
  15. G

    [HOWTO] Install pure-ftpd

    You need to download and install the Developer Tools from Apple in order to compile software. You can register for a free account at Alternately, has a pre-built Mac OS X pkg installer available now (although it is a bit dated)...
  16. G

    Setting Up Mail Server

    [HOWTO] Install Qpopper (POP3): [HOWTO] Install postfix (SMTP): [HOWTO] Install WU-IMAP (IMAP/POP):
  17. G

    What is the cdrom called in the /dev Directory??

    You really don't want to install bochs. Trust me. You're far better off with Virtual PC. But, to answer your initial question: it depends on your system. I have 3 hard disks (/ at disk0, the other two are disk1 and disk2) and currently a DMG is mounted at disk3. If I were to put in a CD-ROM...
  18. G

    formating large drives

    That's a Yikes! mobo: It has an Ultra ATA/33 bus, so you won't be able to address more than 32GB of any sized hard drive. You will have to purchase an ATA/66 PCI card in order to use your new drive (or an ATA100 or 133 card if you want to support drives larger...
  19. G

    Firewire devices make system freeze

    I've had this issue on a PowerBook G4 under OS X 10.2.3. It is something Apple needs to address in a hurry.
  20. G

    [HOWTO] Install pure-ftpd

    I think you should fork off your questions about SSH tunneling to a new thread. I would like to keep this thread on topic as much as possible and the SSH tunnel is tangental but a separate topic. /etc/xinetd.d/ftp is the xinetd services file for ftp. In OS X 10.2, it comes defaulted to using...