Search results

  1. Arden

    meta tags, google and yahoo

    Time for the Captain Obvious question: You have submitted them to the search engines, right? Assuming you're at least that competent ;), the best way to rise in ranks is to use smart design like meta keywords and to promote the hell out of your site. Get people to link to it, post links on...
  2. Arden

    The Question-Question Thread

    Will you get down on your knees and grovel?
  3. Arden word association!

    *Cough* Newb. Vanilla
  4. Arden

    CSS Absolute positioning Mac and Windows

    They may not be original in of themselves, but there are very few sites out there that recreate the OS X user interface, much less do it with brushed metal, split panes (side note: any chance on using Javascript to make this work like its application counterpart? :)) and dialog boxes.
  5. Arden

    USB Printer Sharing Problem

    It sounds like the Classic environment is going to sleep, then, when it wakes up, not recognizing your printer. What happens if you set it to never sleep (via the Advanced tab in the Classic system preference pane)?
  6. Arden

    iSight with iChat displays mirror image

    Was the answer this? If not, you might want to look into it anyway... no pun intended, of course.
  7. Arden

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    Nice pic, Brian. That looks like a lake, where is it? (Well, it does if you ignore the horizon...)
  8. Arden

    I Love the 80s!

    36.9: "You're a little young to remember all this. 10% bonus. 5 point bonus for telling me where you saw this. Thanks!" I was born in 1985. And I like the Eagles.
  9. Arden

    Is leaving the iBook plugged in all the time bad for the battery?

    I don't think it's really bad for it to leave it plugged in all the time; I know that draining the battery a little bit, instead of letting it die, and then charging it isn't as good as charging it when it's completely dead (and that applies to any device, not just laptops). But I don't think...
  10. Arden

    Fan Instalation

    I keep my iMac on almost constantly, whether on screen saver or asleep (when I'm away from it), and yes, it gets quite hot, and yes, it has problems, but they're not heat-related. That shutdown thing sounds like either something wrong externally, or something wrong with they system (the...
  11. Arden

    Hard Disk Recovery software- semi-emergency... heh... oi vey

    Well, it really depends on what kind of errors you are getting. I've found that TTP often finds stuff that DU doesn't, and vice versa (I haven't tried DW yet). You can boot off your OS X install CD, right? That's how you're running tests on it, right? Does your computer boot into OS 9...
  12. Arden picture association thread

    And with that, your avatar takes on completely new meaning. ::alien::
  13. Arden

    Definitely getting the iPod Photo...

    That's even better. Aren't there other stores of similar caliber in your area? Surely you can find one. Here, there are Raley's, Save Mart, Safeway, Walgreens, Walmart, and millions of others... and that's just for groceries/household goods. Let them know they lost a repeat customer based on...
  14. Arden Threads From The Dead Association

    Wow... this thread is recursive.
  15. Arden word association!

  16. Arden

    Interview the person beneath you

    No, I don't think it can be properly enforced. As good as it would be to globally outlaw animal testing, you couldn't do anything to actually prevent it. And now that Bush doesn't have to worry about campaign contributions (at least not for himself) and reelection, he's basically free to do...
  17. Arden word association!

  18. Arden

    Web Dev tools on a new iBook

    And yet, it's still a text editor. It may be the best out there, but it's not a WYSIWYG editor like Dreamweaver or Golive. I'm not trying to trivialize BBEdit; I think it has one of the most powerful string searching engines I've ever used. But it's. a. text. editor. It. edits. source. code.
  19. Arden

    Interview the person beneath you

    Because Bush and co. are greedy anti-environmentalists. I've found that it doesn't matter if you're a lefty or righty for controlling the steering wheel. I've driven places with my right hand on the shifter the entire time, and I'm still here, aren't I? My left hand has become more able to...