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  1. L

    Programming in Java on Mac

    I think JBuilder is my favourite so far on the Mac, but that's probably in part due to the fact I've used it for years on Windows and Solaris. I've tried NetBeans but it just crashes all the time on me, and hasn't been tweaked at all for the mac; however, it supports JSPs, which the free...
  2. L

    XML Development environment for MacOSX???

    autocomplete and validation in an xml editor would be nice too (especially if it could make use of DTD and XML Schemas for both those things).
  3. L

    Anyone notice that Firefox sucks?

    I gave up with FireFox on the Mac (still use it on the PC). It was slow and buggy, but the thing that annoyed me most of all was it's lack of any kind of support for standard (or non-standard) keyboard shortcuts whilst editing text (in text fields or areas on forms, or in the URL). It drove...
  4. L

    !! Apple website defaced !!

    Did anyone get a screenshot? It seems to have been fixed now (or at least I can't spot anything wrong). symphonix, it's not linked from the main page, but it is linked from their main European page (same with Greece, Romania, Croatia, ...).
  5. L

    iPod Photo Question

    Neither did I. and I'm bit annoyed about it really as Apple's website was a little misleading. This was the main reason I got my iPod photo - and now it turns out it's not even possible!
  6. L

    Asus new model an iBook wannabe ...

    Well, apart from the power button placement, the keyboard, and the track-pad positioning. OK, there's not a big choice about where to put these things, but I think you're being a little naive if you don't think this design is based on the iBook. Would they have brought out a white...
  7. L

    New iTunes 4.7 is Available!

    iTunes 4.7.1 stops album artwork showing up on iPod photos :(
  8. L

    iPhoto '05 folders... hierarchical??!!

    I read about this. I order iLife '05 That is all.
  9. L

    Mac mini

    Theres a huge buzz about this on another forum I go to, a number of people are thinking of getting one of these and a KVM to use it along side their PC. I doubt it'll take long before they "switch". Thinking about it, Apple should sell these with a KVM!
  10. L

    iPod photo - battery running down in dock

    OK, I understand it that the busses power down, and that would stop it charging - but why does the battery drain down. Also, it sucks that it does that, the dock needs a separate mains connection in that case - it's a pain switching cables for when I want to charge it, and when I want to...
  11. L

    iPod photo - battery running down in dock

    Hi, I thought that leaving my new iPod photo in the dock over night would recharge the battery - instead, it actually seems to drain the battery. I've left it like this to charge twice, and it's drained the battery each time - is this normal? It is connected, using firewire, to an iMac...
  12. L


    I think that's the box that spare iBook batteries come in. This thing is clearly a fake - I think the iHome device is simply a block of polystyrene with some print-outs stuck to it. Just look how light it is in the video. Plus: - The picture on the side of the box would be upside...
  13. L

    $499 Mac on MWSF'05?

    If this is true, I can see quite a few of these being bought to be used as Media Servers.
  14. L

    200Gig Apple Entertainment Server?

    I was asking for confirmation of what was implied in the post.
  15. L

    200Gig Apple Entertainment Server?

    Can the EyeTV record more than one channel at once? I've recently bought an EyeTV, but as I'm yet to even get a signal on it, I don't really know what other features it supports.
  16. L

    Now that G5 iMacs have been received...

    I use Pipex. They've always been pretty reliable, and are fairly cheap too. There also a well established company, which I think is good. In other news, my iMac seems to have trouble ejecting some CD, and I have to give them quite a yank to get them out, are there any other reports of...
  17. L

    Now that G5 iMacs have been received...

    You use a modem? Loser!! I removed the modem from the configuration of machine, but it still seems to have it, and came with a phone cable too. I guess it's easier just to leave them in - I'll test this tomorrow if it actually works though.
  18. L

    Now that G5 iMacs have been received...

    Well, anyone who thinks that the G5 iMac suggests a G5 laptop isn't too far away should try carrying one of these things any distance. They way a bloody tonne, I've still got red marks on my hands this morning! General verdict - lovely!! I haven't really tried much out yet to comment on...
  19. L

    Now that G5 iMacs have been received...

    OK, I got another chance to look at it (I'm at work) and it seems it was just all a trick of the light. Boy am I relieved!!
  20. L

    My Idea for the Flash Ipod

    Touch screen click wheel. So the whole screen 'clicks' from side to side for the buttons, and is touch sensitive for scrolling round. That way it can be small and still have the click wheel and screen on the same side.