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  1. L

    Robin Williams' Plan for the USA

    Also, it's not "interference", when your help is asked for, or when popular international opinion is on your side. Do you (g/re/p) really believe there is no difference between the world wars, or Bosnia, or even the first Gulf War, and the Iraq war? Do you really think that because America...
  2. L

    Robin Williams' Plan for the USA

    Well, the whole thing is clearly narrow minded, so that one's easy to cover off (yes, it may be for 'comedy' value, but if so it is using a narrow minded view to provide the comedy). There's the standard American elitest (and narrow-minded) 'we saved your butts so many times', 'the world...
  3. L

    US Presidential Race

    A letter to you all (well, except the hard-core Republicans), from a man I don't particually like but he makes some good points here and for a change he makes them pretty well:
  4. L

    Robin Williams' Plan for the USA

    Christ, the country would be deserted!!! Is that for real, I mean, I never liked Mr Williams much anyway, but I didn't realise he was a narrow minded bigoted elitist racist!
  5. L

    PPC popularity

    I thought the 3 core thing was odd, as I felt surely a multiple (or even a power) of two would make a lot more sense. Though I guess the 3 processors may not be working as a multi-processor. The DS for example has two processors, but they both run individually, and don't work as a single...
  6. L

    Post Election - Chaos?

    Oh come on - and you believe that do you. Wow, I am amazed!!! That is some of the most blatant and biased spin you can ever imagine. In 'Dead Ringers: US Election Special' last night (a satirical impressions show), they had a sketch of Bin Laden's video which then cut back to Rumsfeld...
  7. L

    Post Election - Chaos?

    My theory on this was that there were probably a few people who thought "ha ha, I know, I'll register a vote for Bush and then say I'm from Iran!" (I seem to remember you just selected your country rather than having it detected based on IP address). Another theory, that my friend pointed...
  8. L

    PPC popularity

    Yes, I guess they probably code to use Microsoft libraries (directX and all that), so unless developers start coding to the metal (which console makers never seem to encourage), then porting may not be that straight forward.
  9. L

    PPC popularity

    That's not really true at all. Yes it's true of the XBox, but not really of any other console ever. Most consoles, like the PS2 and GameCube for example, use custom built processors, and not 'readily available' chips at all. From what I understand, the X-Box 2, N5 (the name commonly...
  10. L

    Now that G5 iMacs have been received...

    Well, I ordered mine on September 26th through the Higher Education store will be mighty pissed off if you turn out to be another queue jumper!! ;) I don't really mind the customer service, it is annoying that they didn't let me know until after it had missed the estimated ship date, and...
  11. L

    Now that G5 iMacs have been received...

    Oooh exciting. I can't check if mine's been debited as it's on my girlfriend's card (she's a student ;)), when did you order yours?
  12. L

    Apple - two words to consider: "Home Automation"

    Why would it be better if it was wireless? Wireless is good when it saves having extra wires, but all these electrical things are already wired. The point of X10 is that it takes advantage of these extra wires. A wireless interface into this network would be good, but you could just have...
  13. L

    Apple - two words to consider: "Home Automation"

    Yeah, sorry I know about X10, what I was talking about is something that lets you network computers through you mains circuit. From what I understand, X10 is all about switching apliances on and off, the thing I'm talking about allows you to network computers together over your mains circuit.
  14. L

    iPod Color - Yay or Nay

    Yeah, people have got better at choosing poll options.
  15. L

    What does the "i" from iMac or iPhoto stand for?

    (the) eXperience (is) Painful or, I guess: eXperience (the) Pain something along those lines anyway.
  16. L

    iPod Color - Yay or Nay

    Well, if you don't know, I guess nobody does.
  17. L

    Apple - two words to consider: "Home Automation"

    I remember in my first year at university, which would have been 6 or 7 years ago now, I had to give a presentation on the future of the internet. I remember talking about a power company in the UK, Norweb rings a bell, that were testing or trialling this. I've not really heard anything...
  18. L

    iPod Color - Yay or Nay

    I'm betting that a smaller card reader will come out soon, possibly from Apple. It will be the same width and depth as the Photo iPod and will connect to the doc connector, extending the height of the iPod, but not changing the width or depth, it will also have the same finish as the iPod, and...
  19. L

    iPod Color - Yay or Nay

    Good news. It's S-Video and NTSC or PAL!!!! Right, now where's my brother's email address?
  20. L

    iPod Color - Yay or Nay

    Though you could just get a TV connection cable for your iBook (assuming it's not a pre white-iBook iBook - and even then it may be possible, I just don't happen to know if it is or not). Hmm, that's interesting, I wonder what the output is like from it, I'm assuming it's just a composite...