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  1. 9

    Why is writing C so hard!

    I am learning C and assembly . I spend like 6 months on 6 months off . I like taking a break from things , learning C in university is a few year course and I dont have all the time in the world but I am finishing off my basic studies of C and assembly completing a few solid years of computer...
  2. 9

    Best OS X "how to and troubleshooting" book recommendations...

    The Free BSD handbook is great stuff also the Free BSD FAQ .
  3. 9

    [HOWTO] - Enable Root Login to Mac OSX

    To do all the heavy stuff you need root access . Get used to using su root and then su back to your regular user name . Do the heavy stuff when you aernt online , wait until you are finsihed and everything works well than you can go back to regular user and surf safe . You need root...
  4. 9

    MacOS X? Nice but simply too slow ...

    Ya I had a new 700 mhz G3 , they have discontinued that imac so I am now asking for a G3 600 ( they aernt so pyched by the idea but that damn G3 700 was a headache from day 1 ) . I would rather grab an ibook but alas , they are still a bit pricy . The G3 700 imac I got was messed up , it must...
  5. 9

    Very Important Topic: The Future Of

    Its the fact that one main team are working on not only the electronics of the architecture but also the operating system . Intel and micorsoft havnt really been working hand in hand for quite a few years and Sun is suing microsoft for the IE browser and such manuvers like quashing java buy...
  6. 9

    What Kind of App are you working on?

    I am going to tinker with closed bsd . I want to put together something similar so I can have an OS on a floppy to telnet friends from wherever there is a nic card acoss to the web . Just sit down and put in the floppy at wherever there is X86 pc and communicate in a encrypted environment and...
  7. 9

    Very Important Topic: The Future Of

    I dont want to sound silly with the cisco comments , their routers run on an embedded platform I think . The beauty of OS X is it runs on BSD . The combination of BSD and a unified computer architecture could possibly mean a new market share for apple . I have been the one of the few...
  8. 9

    [HOWTO] - Enable Root Login to Mac OSX

    sudo passwd root Then there is a prompt for a new password . The root account is setup at factory install without a password so all you have to do is type one in to enable it . su root Then enter the password you choose . You can check your commands if you forget them , just type ...
  9. 9

    Very Important Topic: The Future Of

    If this is all true then the future of internet 2 could mean big money for mac freaks finally just like the cisco explosion in the 90's . An rapidIO architecture sounds great . The advantage of companies working on one solid product is eventually its can become a necessity in the world...