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  1. MacLegacy

    Steve's Keynote in QT6

    I cant use MP4 audio or video without crashes under OS 9, and I don't have X, seems I can't either..
  2. MacLegacy


    I just realized most of my spams were sent to my email, but then forwarded to my ISP email account! Yay! No more spams, lol
  3. MacLegacy

    To Jaguar or not to Jaguar?

    lol fryke, that's funny
  4. MacLegacy


    cool, 13 000+ signatures!
  5. MacLegacy

    To Jaguar or not to Jaguar?

    Hmm, actually it's someone on this board, in another thread, who told it would cost 69$ for students but somebody I know told me the same. As far as I know, students get discounts too!
  6. MacLegacy

    QuickTime 6 MPEG-2 codec...for 20 bucks!!

    If it doesn't encode, it makes it kinda stupid. 29$ for QT pro, 20$ for playback, 100$ for .Mac, sorry Apple but you're just going down in my esteem Indeed, for a student all this shiz is expensive! This is just revolting
  7. MacLegacy

    QuickTime 6 MPEG-2 codec...for 20 bucks!!

    I really don't know.. Didn't QT5 have mpeg-2 support already??
  8. MacLegacy

    To Jaguar or not to Jaguar?

    I don't have OS X, because of several issues, but it's kinda expensive for a student like you or me (yeah, i'm 15 and unemployed :() to buy it. Although the educational price brings it down to 69$. I'd say Jaguar seems to be a very worthy upgrade however!
  9. MacLegacy

    Exporting as MPEG 4 in Quicktime 6!

    I hate the fact that Apple left their OS 9 support, but it's very comprehensive .. so I won't blame them for it
  10. MacLegacy

    iChat, why AIM?

    Actually I think this is a chat window, and I think ThinkSecret is the AIM name too
  11. MacLegacy

    .Mac E-Mail Compromise?

    10$ a year?? for the 5 mb boxes you can get free at hotmail!!?
  12. MacLegacy


    yeah, but 90 000 is way more :rolleyes: lol, it's great to have 9000+ sigs in what, two days?
  13. MacLegacy

    iChat, why AIM?

    Well, at least there's an alternative to the bubbles!
  14. MacLegacy


    Actually it's 9000+, not 90 000, unfortunately
  15. MacLegacy

    iChat, why AIM?

    LOL, do you actually see a bubble pop out of your friend's head when he talks to you ? :p Hmm, MSN does that too and I admit it's really useful Well, in my area, I know nobody who uses AIM, it's probably not too popular in Canada either.. But whenever I can install OS X (jeez!) , I will...
  16. MacLegacy

    Exporting as MPEG 4 in Quicktime 6!

    I wonder if MP4 will work in iTunes 2 :confused:
  17. MacLegacy


    Hmm, wouldn't you have to pay ONCE for it and not every year?? Ok, of course Apple will surely add new services to their .Mac but I wonder if they'll be so great.
  18. MacLegacy

    .Mac E-Mail Compromise?

    How many people must sign it for Apple to take into consideration?? Last time there were 4804 signatures