Search results

  1. octane

    FireBird becomes FireFox...

    I was pawing over the extensions list last night. It's huge! All I could find were silly games, calendars and weird menu enhancers. I was loosing the will to live. Maybe I'll have another look later...
  2. octane

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    Once saw a mac in a porn film .. wasn't paying too much notice to it, though... :D
  3. octane

    Airport Card Encryption

    I don't a have wireless router. I'm using a 4 port Ethernet router. So my G4 acts as the gateway and my iBook links to it in ad hoc wireless mode; just two AirPort cards, no base station...
  4. octane

    iPod on a pocketPC?..

    It's so blatant a rip off, you have to wonder how they're going to get away with it. Maybe they've cut a deal with Apple? Who knows. Either way, it's corny...
  5. octane

    the good ol' cartoon shows...

    Well me and my mates were on about this last night. One of the lads couldn't remember any of them, being only 23, he's a little young for most of those on my list. Keep 'em coming! What about some screen shots for little added visual nostalgia?!.
  6. octane

    Web Dev Software for Mac ??

    Aye, mi ol' muka! I use it quite a lot for php, html 'n' stuff. I swap between BBEdit Lite for fast & furious stuff like search & replace, Adobe Golive for composing the actual page and Xcode for editing and managing a project...
  7. octane

    php & apache to work as one...

    Let's pretend that I don't know how to do that .. OK, let's not pretend, because I _don't_ know how to do that. How do I do that?.. :D
  8. octane

    iPod on a pocketPC?..

    I can hear the the flurry of 'cease and desist' orders as we speak...
  9. octane

    Airport Card Encryption

    I've got my AirPort network encrypted, but it's worth pointing out that it's still a pretty weak encryption system because of the way that the passwords are sent and received. I'm interested in configuring my iBook and G4 to only allow connections from the two MAC addresses of the cards. This...
  10. octane

    Web Dev Software for Mac ??

    There's always Softpress's Freeway Express. It's only $89 / £59...
  11. octane

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Nobody's Fault But My Own by Beck from the album: Mutations. Feeling chilled and a little melancholy...
  12. octane

    Web Dev Software for Mac ??

    Xcode is pretty good, if a little quirky at times [tab indentation! Don't get me going...]. It's actually better than Adobe Golive for project management. Plus you can set up CVS and other funky stuff...
  13. octane

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Excessive amounts of alcohol usually does the trick. If you wanna booze on a budget, any low-derv petroleum spirit or mouth wash will get you there .. where 'there' is, is another matter entirely...
  14. octane

    the good ol' cartoon shows...

    They just don't make 'em like they used to. Here's a list [not exhaustive, of course] of the cartoon shows I _loved_ as a kid: - Jase and Wheeled Warriors - Inspector Gadget - Thundercats - Dungeons & Dragons - Danger Mouse - Dogtanian & the three Muskahounds - Ulysses 31 - Sports...
  15. octane

    php & apache to work as one...

    Web Development or Web Scripting? Who knows. Anyway, I have a puzzle: I've set up a front-end to my G4 so that when my clients come along, they can see work in progress without being able to wander around and get into all of the nooks & crannies. At the minute though, if someone knows the...
  16. octane

    Apple's iTunes Vs. Roxio's Napster...

    I'll have glass of milk and a copy of the Daily Mirror .. are you paying?..
  17. octane

    Mini iPod praise...

    Not American, fella. Quite, quite English. At least, I was the last time a checked!..
  18. octane

    Apple's iTunes Vs. Roxio's Napster...

    A professional journalist. Does that explain why you're in Dubai [if memory serves me correctly] at the minute? Light day for mac news. What can I say?..
  19. octane

    Apple's iTunes Vs. Roxio's Napster...

    Well .. there's just no pleasing some, is there! :rolleyes: :D I know it's old-new news, but some people in here might not have seen this stuff...
  20. octane

    OSX SCSI & scanner recognition problems

    Although you say you don't think termination is a problem, have you actually tried terminating the scanner? Worth a go...