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  1. octane

    wm9 on all DVD's?

    But this is the whole problem, Windows Media isn't the best video standard, and even if it was, it gives Microsoft an overwhelming position of strength that no one commercial company should be allowed to have. Microsoft open up wm9 for the HD-DVD standard, everyone thinks this is a new...
  2. octane

    Expanding .hqx files?

    I'm not so sure that it was dud. I downloaded it twice and worked straight away both times. How do you explain that? Anyway, odd by any measure...
  3. octane

    Animating GIFs

    I've been on Version Tracker before now and found dud links...
  4. octane

    Freeserve question, please help!!

    Is it still acting up, now? it might be fine this afternoon. I've had this before when I ran OS 9. It might be that they're having some problems. Go to another computer with a connection and check out their web site and see if they have an service provision problems...
  5. octane

    G5 with floppy drive?!?!

    Apple Computer Inc. the creative engine of the computing world. They ought to start charging royalties fees for all of the blatant rip-offs...
  6. octane

    G5 with floppy drive?!?!

    Why wheels? What the hell is that all about? So they thought: 'well, we clearly can't copy the handles, so what _can_ we do? [snap of fingers] Got it! We'll put it on wheels. Then when people got board with it, they can either gut it and use it as a wall heater or stick a tray on it and use...
  7. octane

    yes_another_ windows flaw...

    And so says the sage of the forum. Welcome, oh wise one. I might just write that one down, wouldn't want to not look cool. And, erm .. just for reference, I'm not in the least bit agitated. Emotion is often either lost of totally exaggerated with this kind of thing...
  8. octane

    wm9 on all DVD's?

    You're kidding? Looks like all of the sabre-rattling has turned into limp handshakes and false smiles. They'll be just as toothless as the American DoJ. It'll be like being gummed by a old-aged pensioner...
  9. octane

    yes_another_ windows flaw...

    And just _how_ do they have nothing to do with the headline to a thread that _I_ started?..
  10. octane

    yes_another_ windows flaw...

    Fryke, live a little. Your germanic officiousness is like water torture. Stop being so bloody pedantic and just go with it .. will ya, for me?.. :D
  11. octane

    counting the cost of cybergeddon...

    I've got to agree with you, Fryke. Microsoft are principally responsible for the digital distopia we currently so enjoy. :mad: Their software has turned computing into a chore once again...
  12. octane

    wm9 on all DVD's?

    Fryke, there's an old English adage; given them an inch and they'll take yard. Microsoft do not have any egalitarian or altruistic ambitions. They are commercial predators who seize any opportunity that avails itself to them and then use it to beat down the competition. They are now _way_...
  13. octane

    Unlock all files in a folder

    Couldn't you create an AppleScript that steps through a folder recursively? It's been a while since I did anything at all with AppleScript, so I might just be snatching at ideas, here...
  14. octane

    counting the cost of cybergeddon...

    Not really! I'm happy the domains I have which are all company-related. Anyway, I wouldn't use any mail account where I don't have full control over. All of my domains are full-managed so I can go in and twiddle & tweak to my hearts content. And let's face it, it isn't very professional...
  15. octane

    New WinXP Reloaded "may" be a threat to OS 10.4?

    Do you think they'll get fixed? Nope! Doesn't matter to me, though. I'm happy with Safari & Firefox. Also, if I do need to test my web applications, I fire up Virtual PC. I've got call in a quote from a pretty famous English writer, Stephen Fry, a huge mac fan. He once said: 'I don't...
  16. octane

    wm9 on all DVD's?

    One step back for standards & openness, one giant leap for Microsoft kind...
  17. octane

    yes_another_ windows flaw...

    I'm from the school of kiss ass: keep it sexy, short and so sweet! D'ye like that one?.. :D
  18. octane

    javascript question...

    Arden, read through it again. The examples I've given you are valid, sound and currently working away as we speak. The variable: $i is merely a loop variable: for ($i=0; $i<count($array_name); $i++) {
  19. octane

    counting the cost of cybergeddon...

    Well it certainly did cost me valuable time and money. Only a couple of week ago, I was getting upwards of 200 spam email per day. This was a little less intense a while ago when I only had dial-up, but I had to go into my web mail to delete all of the spam. This was my commercial work...
  20. octane

    New WinXP Reloaded "may" be a threat to OS 10.4?

    Not 'quite right'? The consistently _never_ get it right. Just _how many_ different ways do you want to close a window?! What 'Ardon meant to say was: 'it arouses me how many people there are in porn'. But that's also a rumo[u]r. Only kidding, Arden .. only kidding... :) :D