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  1. J

    Gnome GUI help

    So how would I move everything down a bit? Thanks, Josh
  2. J

    Gnome GUI help

    I may just be stupid, but everytime I open a window in Gnome it covers up my upper panel. It's like the X11 interface thinks the top of the screen is where my apple menu is. How can I change this? I've looked around all the settings and haven't found anything yet. Thanks in advance.
  3. J

    xwindow remote applications

    how do I search the manual for ksh? I type man ksh, but the manual is soooo long I don't feel like looking through all of it. thanks again.
  4. J

    xwindow remote applications

    Thanks guys! Josh
  5. J

    xwindow remote applications

    Hey all, I've searched over and over again for another article I saw on this subject, but I cannot find it. I used to be able to use telnet and set the display variable to my home computer, but now I can't get it to work right. I have done the following. 1. On my computer: set xhost +...
  6. J

    Minimize keyboard command?

    thanks, I'll give that a shot.
  7. J

    Minimize keyboard command?

    Hey guys, Just wondering if anyone knew how to minimize an open app (in this case, Diablo II). I know in Windows it's Alt-Tab, but I can't figure out the Mac equivalent. thanks
  8. J

    OSX "restore" disk creation

    I have a quick question for you all. I need to create an image for a bunch of macs in my library. I would like the disk to have an installer that would automatically install all of the files on the disk. It's a type of "restore" disk I guess. Anybody know how to do this? Thanks, Josh...
  9. J

    Unix How-to's?

    I'm a college freshman and I've just begun programming in Unix. I'm interested in learning more about Unix, but I'm having a hard time finding out about the basics. Does anybody know of a good site that can help newbies like me out? thanks a bunch, Josh streed
  10. J

    cannot access Preferences Panel in Netscape 6.2

    Use "Edit" --> "preferences", that should work.
  11. J

    Installers & Grayed out disks?

    When I try to install either the 10-09-01 security update, the 10.1.1 update, or the software updatrr, my disk are grayed out. this essentially halts the installations, anyboy else having the same problems, or know how to fix it? thanks, Josh Streed
  12. J

    Cannot install security update, OS 10.1.1 or Installer update

    I'm having trouble installing. When I try to install either the 10-19-01 security update, OS 10.1.1, or the installer update 1.0, my hard disk is grayed out an unselectable, preventing installation. I know that the security update has to be installed before the other two, but I can't seem to...