I totally agree with you, Arden. I went over to J&R yesterday during lunch to look at it. I like the widescreen format and everything else. Only thing is that it just isn't small enough for me to lug around everywhere like I could the 12". I wish Apple would not treat the 12" like a lesser...
How so? I thought that the plugin just makes Acrobat open within the browser. I don't think you could remove the actual app and have the plugin still work, can you?
In that case I can't wait to try the new Preview in 10.3. Acrobat/Reader 6.0, especially for OS X, is such a bloated piece of crap. I guess Apple needs to make a plugin for at least Safari. They make both products, why not link them together?
Tomato / tomahto, potato / potahto....
Get a life? If this isn't the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is. I think it's really amusing how outraged you are getting over a freakin' computer.
In Windows Explorer, drag a file from the right pane over a folder in the left pane and hold it for a few seconds. It should expand it, as if you had hit the '+' box.
I think when you find that spring-loading in Windows Explorer (at least in 2k or XP) works and report back here, hulkaros is going to have some sort of aneurism.
Originally posted by arden
I'd like to see a movie of this so-called Windows Spring-loaded Folder action, if it's not too much trouble. I'm curious to see what you're talking about, as is Hulk, I'm sure.
Sure, you know of any software to do it?
One thing that bugs me about Windows...
I see what you mean. I never even tried it anywhere but in Windows Explorer. In both Windows and Mac OS I don't keep anything on my desktop, including mounted volumes. I open a Finder window to access them in that case. I wish the Finder icon in the Dock would act spring-loaded. But...
More than once I have said "Windows Explorer". I know exactly how Mac OS works with spring-loaded folders, as buggy as they are in OS X. I hope that Apple has fixed them in 10.3.
Originally posted by hulkaros
There is NO WAY that in a default Windows (ANY version) installation you can drag something on top of the My Computer icon and that icon will open to showcase its contents or ANY other folder for that matter! This simply DOES NOT happen in Windows and I'm really...
Originally posted by hulkaros
Spring Folders = Folders that automatically pop up/open when you drag something on them... If you have such a thing in your XP installation it may be because of something you installed! In that way you may as well install a Dock into XP! But find a clean XP...
OS X, absolutely. But, I give credit where credit is due to other OSs. None of them are perfect, and all are better than the others for certain people's uses. For me, OS X is the right tool for the job.
Thanks. I've been using that for over a year now I think. Very good, but simply for viewing. No search, no text selection, no mouse wheel support, etc. Too limited.