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  1. doublejoint

    Hard Drive Icons On Desktop

    by the way, I know this is a novice question, but how do you get rid of the hard drive icon on the desktop anyway?
  2. doublejoint

    iPod is a PDA, we just don't know it yet???

    yeah you're probably right. but it could be handy for simple things like storing phone numbers etc. I just think it has potential to be much more powerfull, or should I say utilize the power that it had right now. Just an idea though. I'd really like to see a nice PDA with a cool color...
  3. doublejoint

    iPod is a PDA, we just don't know it yet???

    A lot of my friends are saying they think Apple could release an iPod software update that will turn it into a PDA. They also say that they heard the iPod's original design was included a touch sensitive screen, and that while deciding not to use the function, they still used the screens...
  4. doublejoint

    preferences gone! please help

    yeah I should try that history thing. when I installed it however, I just dropped the bbo folder into the startup items folder (without using the terminal). but anyway, it's nice to know I've got it back, and backed up.
  5. doublejoint

    preferences gone! please help

    thanks for all your help. I just spent the last couple hours getting everything back the old fashioned way though. I even got my emails back when I set up the account again it retreived all the old mail that was on the server. Anyway, I just backed up all of my prefs in my own library. I...
  6. doublejoint

    preferences gone! please help

    I just did a search for and it only came up with one file, so maybe it just threw the old one away and replaced it. But why would it do this is what I'm wondering. I guess I should back these babies up or something for the future.
  7. doublejoint

    preferences gone! please help

    yes I do have those, but I they all say that they were modified today! That could be bad. I wonder where the old ones are? The main bummer is that I had mail in my mail app that I wanted to save and now I have no idea how to get it back.
  8. doublejoint

    preferences gone! please help

    hum....I searched for plist and it came up with 543 documents, none of which look like any simple solutions i.e. mail app prefs...etc. They're all pretty crypted and mysterious.
  9. doublejoint

    preferences gone! please help

    also I just noticed that all of my apps are now in the main application folder, not the application folder from my home like they used to be. I tried moving the mail app to my home applications folder to see if it would use the prefs from my home library, but it didn't work.
  10. doublejoint

    preferences gone! please help

    So I just installed that broadbandoptimizer thing (which is working great) but when I restarted my computer, all of my preferences were gone (no dock is reset to original, internet explorer's prefs are gone, mail app has NONE of my accounts or emails anywhere. Anyone no where they all went...
  11. doublejoint

    This is probably the closest real vision of the new iMac.

    I like some of these mock-ups too, but my personal prediction is that the new imacs are going to be much more curvasious, not just a box on the back of a LCD monitor. It will sure be great to finally just see the damn thing.
  12. doublejoint

    Beyond the rumors sites. Way beyond

    I don't know, it could be real. Although it looks like it has more Sony design influences than Apple to me. It looks a little clunky for an apple design. If it is real, maybe sony or someone else is going in on it. If it's does all the things they're talking about on other sites, then I'd...
  13. doublejoint

    Beyond the rumors sites. Way beyond

    this is what one guy said on the macrumors site discusion: "I just went to my local Apple dealer in Amsterdam. Checking up the price for an iBook, he suddenly went silent and then said "strange, Apple is listing somethings called PowerPod, not yet available". I saw the listing myself. Wanting...
  14. doublejoint

    Screen is blue

    I don't think that's it, all of my electrical stuff is almost always turned off anyway. And I've had this setup for 2 years with no problem, until 6 weeks ago when I installed osx. I'm still wondering if it could be a software problem.
  15. doublejoint

    MWSF - Apple sets expectations high

    I think apple is talking about something more impressive than speed here. All this talk about G5's is great and stuff, but speed increases happen every six months in this industry. This is going to be something waaayy cooler than just a faster mac.
  16. doublejoint

    blue screen of death

    yes I have this same problem, and so do a lot of others as I'm looking into it. I also have an 400 imac dv, although I think it can happen with any tube moniter. Here's a link to one of the other threads talking about this also...
  17. doublejoint

    Screen is blue

    yes I do have some electronic equiptment around my mac, cd player, mixing board, stereo reciever. But no magnets or big speakers. Do you think it's a degaussing problem? It could be from all the electrical stuff around my computer I guess. I've seen quite a few other people having this same...
  18. doublejoint

    MWSF - Apple sets expectations high

    well I think Allen and Johnny 5 are going the right way with their ideas and creative thinking. Apple is not going to let us down by mere upgraded products. They've got to have something totally new. And by the way, Allen's idea about that tablet with the mothership and stuff I think is...
  19. doublejoint

    Screen is blue

    well my imac screen turns blue more and more now. This morning I had to restart it 6 times before it came on correctly. One of my friends thought it could be a degossing (is that the right word?) problem. I guess usually there's a degoss button on monitors which wipes the magnet clean when it...
  20. doublejoint

    Screen is blue

    I've been having this problem on occasion with my imac too. Also someone else posted the same problem on their imac. I just comes and goes randomly, usually just restarting it fixes it, which is why you probably thought it was fixed by straightening your pins. This only started to happen...