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  1. dlookus word association!

  2. dlookus word association!

    Spuds McKenzie
  3. dlookus

    is Xserve then the best desktop mac too?? ...

    Seems to me this thing has a lot of extra crap to be worth it for use as a workstation. I magine those sleds for the HDs are pricey. I'm banking on updated towers at or shortly after MWNY.
  4. dlookus

    is Xserve then the best desktop mac too?? ...

    I can't find anything on it. It seems there is a riser, but I would think they couldn't call it a 4x AGP slot unless it had all the right plumbing. Their tech specs don't give much detail on this.
  5. dlookus

    is Xserve then the best desktop mac too?? ...

    From Apple's site: TI Radeon 8500 graphics processing unit (GPU): If you’re a creative professional who plans to use Xserve as a rack mount workstation, you can order a system with an ATI Radeon 8500 graphics processing unit (with 64MB of DDR video memory, dual display support, and DVI, VGA...
  6. dlookus

    What's Your Profession?

    Mine's in PDF format on this page: My temp site
  7. dlookus word association!

  8. dlookus

    Star Wars Aoc

    And I agree with you (to an extent) with the exceptions of #s 6 and 7.
  9. dlookus

    Star Wars Aoc

    OK this thread is far too much of a lovefest. This movie had serious flaws: 1. The acting from most of the main characters was dry as if they were reading the lines for the first time. The CG characters (Yoda especially) at least have some expression on their faces when they speak. 2. The...
  10. dlookus

    What's Your Profession?

    I'm an interactive designer (flash, director etc.) It's not the best field to be in at the moment, but it's pretty cool. I also know quite a bit about print, broadcast and 3D. I can't stress enough that you should really not limit yourself to a language or piece of software. Just keep in...
  11. dlookus

    ‘Copy-proof’ CDs not copy proof.

    I don't know about anyone else, but I listen to MP3s almost exclusively. I have a set of Monsoon speakers hooked up to my G4, and my stereo collects dust. I buy CDs. I'l be purchasing 1 or 2 today. But, if I find out that one of the CDs I want has copy-protection, I'll be on Limewire downloading...
  12. dlookus

    New iBooks an improvement???

    I agree. I've never realy been impressed with OSX on an iBook. I get the feeling Apple is going to be releasing some ovehauled machines in the not too distant future. It seems like some of the recent upgrades are just to tide people over until something else is ready. Perhaps all of the machines...
  13. dlookus

    Paste w/o tags

    Just a thought. I'm getting a bit frustrated with the text font,size,weight,color etc. info being pasted along with a piece of copied text. It's nice that it does it, but 9 times out of 10 I don't want it. I think apple should implement "Paste w/o Tags" so I can just get the copy without all...
  14. dlookus

    Photoshop 7 icon

    Actually for PS6 you can just copy and pate in the show info window as always. Yes. OSX icons work with classic apps. I use the "Adobe X Icons" found here.
  15. dlookus

    Dock Or Taskbar?!

    I agree with you actually. I just didn't want to throw that in there. They should make it a preference. Maybe it's not so bad if you have a Cinema Display HD.
  16. dlookus

    Browsers Poll (More browsers to Choose)

    I'm just saying there's some major room for improvement.
  17. dlookus

    Dock Or Taskbar?!

    I agree with this completely. I know it goes against Apple's idea of simplicity, and I know this has been talked aboput before, but I think 2 docks makes sense. I would have 1 dock for apps. It would be pinned, so that the apps you have as persistent will never move. The dock would just...
  18. dlookus

    Browsers Poll (More browsers to Choose)

    I voted "Other," but in reality they all suck. They all have serious problems.:(
  19. dlookus icon changes?

    cool. I'll have to try that.
  20. dlookus icon changes?

    I haven't done this with, but I have with Fire. Fire has a special tiff file of the icon that it lays the numbers over. If you look in you'll find all of the numbers and stuff. You can try just replacing the icon, but it may go back to the normal icon in the dock when...