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  1. dlookus

    Rant: Quit yer whinin' (QE)

    Well put.
  2. dlookus

    Rant: Quit yer whinin' (QE)

    I've had just about enough of all of the whining about Quartz Extreme and how it doesn't support every one's setup. I've been burned much worse in the past. My PowerMac 7100 had NuBus slots. The very next rev had PCI. Not too many companies made NuBus cards after that. My Beige G3 was...
  3. dlookus

    Ahahaha. What a great banner ad! (Seriously, a GOOD one.)

    Unfrozen Caveman Executive.
  4. dlookus

    Ahahaha. What a great banner ad! (Seriously, a GOOD one.)

    Is anyone else terribly frightened after watching those movies? I can't believe this guy. He's like Chris Farley only creepy and not funny.
  5. dlookus

    Dual mon

    I always had a 15" second monitor where I would put all of my palettes and such. If you work in Photoshop you can have your image fill the screen and still have access to everything you need.
  6. dlookus

    Computer language showdown!

    I'm a pseudo-programmer. I know Lingo and Actionscript. I'd like to get into programming Game apps. Any suggestions?
  7. dlookus

    Digital Photography Help?

    All I can really suggest is doing what I said to set it to 300ppi, then turn "Resample Image" on and change the dimensions to what you want. Keep in mind, however, that if your camera makes 1600x1200 images, at 300 ppi it will be 5 1/3"x4". Anything bigger than that, Photoshop will be stretching...
  8. dlookus

    Digital Photography Help?

    #1 if you don't have a tripod, get one before you buy a macro lens. It may improve your picture quality more than you think. #2 Your camera does have a few limitting factors. First of all it's a 2 megapixel camera. For print you probably won't be able to go much higher than 4x6 before losing...
  9. dlookus

    ATI Graphics Card

    I missed that. That sucks. Crappy deal afterall.
  10. dlookus

    ATI Graphics Card

    Just a note: They make you pay a $20 shipping charge.:mad: And it ends May 31.
  11. dlookus

    ATI Graphics Card

    The 8500 is better than the GeForce 4 MX, but just a tad behind the Geforce 4 Ti. I feel the need to point out this deal again. 8500 Promotion $150 aint bad for the 8500. Unless you're thinking about upgrading to a faster machine soon. I'd say it's a good thing to get. I have a "vanilla"...
  12. dlookus

    Mac OS X's "Jaguar"

    Apple seems to be very careful about calling it jaguar and not 10.2 though. They are still reserving the ability to call it 10.5.
  13. dlookus

    Repent for being a Mac user!!

  14. dlookus

    A look inside Jaguar

    Make that 30 hours. This promotion actually takes the price down below what the PC version costs. ATI Radeon 8500 promotion
  15. dlookus

    Why iChat?

    Don't forget that apps like Fire and Adium are not exactly sanctioned by AOL to us their protocol. AOL has been fighting with companies like that for a while now.
  16. dlookus

    The new me...

    Change it back. The old one was perfect.
  17. dlookus

    WWDC News!

    Notice they've made no mention of 10.2. I'm really thinking it's going to be 10.5.
  18. dlookus

    WWDC News! :)
  19. dlookus

    How can Apple justify their prices when they have fallen to far behind?!

    Quit yer whining. Apple has never really been a 3D powerhouse. As for DV I think that's rediculous. I think if you reduce the difference between PCs and Macs down to pure speed. You are missing the point.