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  1. L

    apple's main page down?

    it looks like we posted at the same time. ah, nevermind...thought you were the other guy. my bad
  2. L

    apple's main page down?

    is anyone else getting an error when trying to reach Apple's home page?
  3. L

    ssh, application sharing, concerns

    excellent! thank you, that clears it up for me.
  4. L

    ssh, application sharing, concerns

    I want to telnet into my machine when it crashes. The only place that I know I can turn this feature on is in the FileSharing preferences under Application Sharing. does selecting this option make my machine less secure? if so, is it as secure as ssh or can anyone login using any telnet...
  5. L

    .cshrc trickery, need help

    Thank you all very much. My terminal experience has improved! It's very cool to see how immediate the terminal is. I guess that's hard to translate to anyone who doesn't use it.
  6. L

    .cshrc trickery, need help

    Now, I want to make the prompt, and only the prompt, a different color from the rest of the text. Is this possible? I couldn't determine anything from the other color posts. I'm learning though. TIA
  7. L

    .cshrc trickery, need help

    Thank you! how does the +%H isolate the hour? I ask so that I can also isolate the date and have it wish me a happy birthday too!
  8. L

    .cshrc trickery, need help

    Hmmmm. Didn't think about that. My initial thought was to have it greet me upon login. In fact, that's all I really need, now that I think about it.
  9. L

    .cshrc trickery, need help

    I'm trying to get terminal to greet me with Good Morning, Good Afternoon, and Good Night (even maybe Happy Birthday!). How can I do this? Is it possible. I know it must be some sort of if-then statement, but I don't know much about terminal commands. Thanks.