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  1. N


    Hi i have found a very nice, cheap and good camera but i don´t know if it will work without drivers like macam and ichatusb.
  2. N

    Premiere 6.5 program crash

    yeah, i had the same problem. Never figured out :(. Had to finish my work on a windows machine. I really would like to know if someone knows the answer
  3. N

    linotype FontExplorer X

    hi, i don´t think that fontexplorer X can do that but i am not sure
  4. N

    adobe premiere saving problem

    hi there, i have a similar problem but when trying to export the movie.
  5. N

    Freehand MX - websafe color problems!

    hi, about the color i can´t help you, i don´t know. but... about the exporting don´t do it as tif if its for web. export as png or gif or jpg. ;)
  6. N

    fonts formats

    hi, check it out maybe it will help. its a nice review.
  7. N

    powerbook screen crazy

    hi, yesterday, i turn on my 15´´ powerbook 1.5Ghz and after the grey screen with the apple logo, if everything was normal on that powerbook, it would appear the finder. instead of this i only had a black screen with a white strip. i reboot my beautiful powerbook and everything went to normal...