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  1. K

    The BIG OS 10.2 thread...

    OMFG. How does this sound? Don't use AIM. There are multitudes of AIM clients for OS X. I recommend Adium. I use AIM 4.3 in Classic to recieve files.
  2. K

    Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!!

    Make the shot bigger, or make the dock bigger? I'm sure if I had the dock bigger, the Micro$uck supporters would say my OS is a toy for kids who don't know how to use a computer,
  3. K

    OS 10.1.1 Scsi burner support

    Are you sure that exists? Try Other World Computing, search for it on google.
  4. K

    The BIG OS 10.2 thread...

    I just posted my requests to the feedback page, I recommend you do the same (Apple doesn't read each and every Mac MB).
  5. K

    The BIG OS 10.2 thread...

    We can agree that the speed can get better. Personally I really, really want spring loaded folders. I didn't jump on the OS X boat to go backwards from OS 9 (really it was from 8.6). I also want labels; big productivity booster, something Winblows doesn't have, maybe by XP they'll have em...
  6. K

    Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!!

    Here's mine. This shot was prepared to show off to some PC users. MP3 playing while .mov previewing while Bryce rendering (not to mention I host the file myself)!
  7. K

    OS 10.1.1 Scsi burner support

    Right on! Good point!
  8. K

    iTunes Spectrum Analyzer for OSX?

    While your music is playing, click the little play icon in the display. The icon is on the left side of the track info.
  9. K

    Kaleidoscope X

    Meh. I'd say Aqua is way more effing beautiful than that.
  10. K

    Palm, HotSync, Classic

    They claim to be working on that. They sure are taking their time...
  11. K

    Palm, HotSync, Classic

    A couple people on the MacAddict forum said that hotsyncing in Classic could be slow or flaky. I hotsync to a PC, but keep in mind that USB (or serial) might not be so hot through Classic.
  12. K

    OS 10.1.1 Scsi burner support

    I'm not sure about the speed, but the fact is, just because something is old doesn't mean it is no good. For instance, I bought a 12x SCSI CD burner two years ago for around $350. For a firewire version of that drive it would have been well over $400! (I just got an IDE 16x one since the SCSI...
  13. K

    required reinstall after booting in 9

    I've been running OS X (it's 10.1.1) here for a couple months and Apple sure has given me a good reason to abandon OS 9 (sarcastic)! My problem is that when I boot into my OS 9 drive (it's 9.2.1) and then reboot back into X when I'm done, I have to reinstall OS X! This prevents me from doing the...
  14. K

    MAC OSX/OS10.1 Desktop Pictures

    Back when I was using Windows 98 for general use and Mac for everything else, I used Active Desktop. I'd say it was useful to be able to make a web page and use it as your desktop. Laying out images and favorite links to go right on your desktop was neat! I can live without that no problem (I...