eventually mark my words you will notice a gradual slow down in programs opening... cocktail gets at the files you can't see that begin to slow things up.
I know this because everything on my mac slowed down... now it's working fine again... like it's brand new out of the box.
It can remove DS_Store files, junk file remover... also... it says here... System Cache cleaner, internet cache cleaner... I just like this program because it's easy to use... and can speed up os 10.2.4 :) At least to me it does.
I just downloaded this from versiontracker... All I can say is I am flying again...
I got the Power Mac G4 Dual 867mhz... For the past two weeks it was running slow... like a snail... I was like what the heck... (OMG I AM SOUNDING LIKE A "SWITCHER" COMMERICAL HERE)... So anyway I started to...
We could all go on on on... about this situation... My reason for switching was... because I know that if I want to become a full fledged webmaster... The Mac is the best for graphics... I don't give a poop.... About PC Video Cards... I care about my programs opening up and getting the job done...
Age of mythology was great on the PC... I hope it comes to Mac also... but Sim City 4... Seems cool if you follow the city building stuff... I did from old Sim City 1... back in my elementary days... till now my adult years.
I believe if Apple lowered it's prices a bit more to the consumer level... of say $500 a machine... and $300-$500 for monitors... (Flat screens probably won't be that low in price for at least another 2 years...) Apple has a chance to catch up...