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  1. wtmcgee

    Silent iBook update

    well it IS only 100mhz and a few other little bumps. in the past year, the iBook has only seen a 50% increase in processor speed. last year, i believe the top of the line model was 600mhz. now it's up to 900. that's nothing to get too excited about, that's all.
  2. wtmcgee

    28. April 2003 Event

    how much did you get for your iPod? i'm thinking about selling mine as well...
  3. wtmcgee

    OmniWeb 4.5sp1 - 4.5sp9

    i wonder how many sp's they're going to have until the beta releases start?
  4. wtmcgee

    OmniWeb 4.5sp1 - 4.5sp9

    i miss the way omniweb 4.2 and earlier had the blue 'hazy' glow around links when you clicked on them. now... well, nothing happens when you click on a link. it's hard to tell what you clicked on sometimes... sp6 is getting REAL nice though. whenever 4.5 goes final, it's gonna be my default...
  5. wtmcgee

    Apple posts a net profit of $14 million for the 2nd quarter

    any gain is good. great to see them posting in the black.
  6. wtmcgee

    Get in on the iBox...

    i may give one of these things a try after the first adopters give it the run-thru and report back ;) for ~$400, i'd give it a try to have something that rivals a powermac dual 1.25ghz machine...
  7. wtmcgee

    Safari Beta 2 (v73) officially out!

    actually the "+" icon you're talking about is not 'maximize' really. it's a 'zoom' button, which makes the current document fit into the window. web pages, since they are usually so long, don't really take full advantage of this feature .... so it seems like the page just 'maximizes vertically'.
  8. wtmcgee

    Safari Beta 2 (v73) officially out!

    the mods need to merge the 2 safari threads :)
  9. wtmcgee

    Safari Beta 2 (v73) officially out!

    close safari, and in terminal, type defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 0 that should do the trick for you.
  10. wtmcgee

    Safari Beta 2 (v73) officially out!

    so far, this thing flies. i have only 2 minor complaints so far: tab switching is kind of slow at times, even with only 2 or 3 tabs open. i'm still waiting for them to get the 'check spelling as you type' pref to stick between sessions. other than that, this browser is truly amazing...
  11. wtmcgee

    OmniWeb 4.5sp1 - 4.5sp9

    sp4 is looking great! the final 4.5 is going to be a top notch browser. right now though, still rough around the edges...which is to be expected.
  12. wtmcgee

    OmniWeb 4.5sp1 - 4.5sp9

    :) it's like they are churning out nightlies ;) great to see, they will soon have one of the best os X browsers out there IMO.
  13. wtmcgee

    Safari with Tabs (v62 - v71)

    im in the same boat... im trying to hold on till the next official one... but the more i hear about each release the more i would like to "stumble" across one ;). i think soon we'll see at least one more public beta before the final.
  14. wtmcgee

    VLC 0.5.3 out

    the best keeps getting better :)
  15. wtmcgee

    OmniWeb 4.5sp1 - 4.5sp9

    :) too bad you have to have a liscense to use the beta... i can't wait till this is done, as i will definately pony up the money for the most feature rich browser out there.
  16. wtmcgee

    10.3 all new with Amazon?

    it depends on how intrusive it is, but if apple does it right (they almost always do), then it could be a really cool feature. i use a lot, and if it were even easier to use, that'd be great.
  17. wtmcgee

    970 in powerbooks!

    i'll believe it when they even announce they're using the 970s at all :D if so, sign me up for one.
  18. wtmcgee

    APRIL FOOL'S: Mac OS X 10.3 Panther released!!!!

    yea, all the jokes are wayyyyy too predictable.