Search results

  1. E

    Windows XP theme for OSX...

    juat for get about it all its just a xp theme. :p
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    Windows XP theme for OSX...

    Can some 1 tell me where to put each file i am clueless on this?? dont have a clue where anything goes.
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    phone software

    Are there any software prog for macs where i can make a call from my mac to any phone? I have been looking and found some but only windows. thanks
  4. E

    OMG this is SOOO funny!!

    I scared alot of ppl with this they all hate me but thanks lol.
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    avi converter

    I know i asked this a while back(ed) but what software is the best avi converter? I have a bunch of avi's i want to convert. I do have avi2mov but when it converts it to a .mov it still doesnt work? Thanks
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    lol:p :p
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    You must really love this web site protecting it like its yours lol:p
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    You did tell me about the hard drive but i didnt think it would be 6 gigs. The scanner because since omnipage pro came out i thoguth they also made a scanning software for scanners on osx. The scanner insident was kind of long ago. I loove the help this web site gives me. just asking other ppls...
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    but dam 6 gigs
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    I buy a 80gb hd the box says 80gigs but its really 74?
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    roxio toast titanium 5

    Thanks it does work well. thanks alot
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    roxio toast titanium 5

    I have roxio toast titanium 5 and ya prob have it to but i was just wondering if there was a update so that i could run it without going into classic.??
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    Thats not working when i dl it its ending is .php? i had 1 that worked b 4 ?
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    I 4 got where i dl that app from can any 1 tell me where i can dl it again i checked verison tracker
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    80gb hd

    Just went to compusa and bought the hd im so happy:') thanks all and thanks to testuser this site is great!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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    80gb hd

    lol I am going to give 70gb to os x and the rest to classic. WHO NEEDS CLASSIC:p LOL
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    80gb hd

    The link is not working?
  18. E

    80gb hd

    I have been looking for web pages that show how to change an imacs hd but i couldnt find any. So can you guys send me a link of how to change a imac's hd with pictures. i had it a long time ago but cant find the link to show how to change it maybe one of ya still have it.
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    Incredibly loud modem

    You should just turn the modem sound off. ITs in the network panel i think.