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  1. E

    80gb hd

    Even if i partion the hd it will still come up slow? i thoguht it would speed it up not slow it down? i mean its a real good deal at compusa right now?
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    80gb hd

    I am planning to install a 80 gb hd in my imac dv 400mhz. The hd is at 5400rpm so will that slow down my mac or speed it up a lil. thanks
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    b/w and imac

    I need it for expansion and plus i have a great flat panel i have for it. But can u really notice the diff when running os x. But dont the b/w have a bigger cache.
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    b/w and imac

    I am planning on selling my imac dv 400mhz g3 for a b/w g3 350mhz both with the same video card. I just wanted to know if theres a big diff in speed when running X.1 on them. thanks
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    Your friend had to put in whats called a boot disk and thats for games that dont self boot. But the game i have is self boot so i did need to do that i just pop the game right in. I am going to have to get a new imac cause i just feel in love with it at compusa. Imagine if it looks like that...
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    Thanks again. But isnt is harder to burn a ps2 cd? how u do that?
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    Thanks for the site. I have been reading the site but cant figure out witch prog to use to burn the cd. All i need to know is how to burn the cd. Can you please give me the prog u used that worked. Thanks a whole bunch
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    What do u mean "but after finding out what they did to dreamcast cds, I didn't bother trying". Did it work tho?
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    I have a cdi file i want to burn to play but cant. I made the cdi from ripping my dc game to have 2 copyies but cant burn the cdi. Any 1 got any way of doin this thanks.
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    internet explorer

    I tried a speed downloader for IE and it didnt work so i deleted it. Then when i tried to dl something useing IE own dl tool it dont dl. So now i cant dl anything. Did this happen to anyone thanks.
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    scanner software

    I've tried vue scan and its not working for me. Some one should make some working software.
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    scanner software

    I wanna use my astra 2000u scanner on os X. I want a software that is nativly for os x but cant find 1. Any 1 got any suggetions. I would like freeware but if there arent any i would pay a good 25-40 bucks for a good piece of software.
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    What's your opinion about Macwarez?!

    you guys are funny idiots muahahah. i'll use the great app limewire. wow u guys are idiots lol lol lol. macwarez lol. asssssssssssesssssssssss. thanks for ur help.
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    What's your opinion about Macwarez?!

    What do they deliver to your door? a copyied version of any software u want?
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    What's your opinion about Macwarez?!

    thanks for every 1's help. Hope ya get caught. o wait i found the web site.
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    What's your opinion about Macwarez?!

    i need to dl some apps like photoshop give me a link to macwarez. dont give me links to crap like that. I have been happy with this web sites help until now. whats up with ya?:o
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    What's your opinion about Macwarez?!

    can u be more annoying. instead of trying to be funny just give me link. your so lame.:p
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    What's your opinion about Macwarez?!

    na 4 real i wanna dl some apps. and movies
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    What's your opinion about Macwarez?!

    can send one send me exactly a link where i can dl stuff. i dont see what u guys r talking about?????????
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    What's your opinion about Macwarez?!

    You guys or girls talk about stilling software but i dont see no were were u can do that. I just saw to buy software?