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  1. J

    Vote "Think Different" - Madison Ave. Ad Hall of Fame
  2. J

    Isp For Mac Users

    I use Time Warner's Road Runner cable. Love it. Never a problem. You can get a deal (in my area at least) with digital cable. Works out well. 1 bill for Cable and ISP. Have 2 computers set up with it. My girlfriend uses the same Road Runner service on a PC and uses AOL Broadband primarily. Since...
  3. J

    New iPod commercials!

    NYC Subways are full of the print versions. Just hit today. Almost every sation on my way to work this morning (about 5) had 4 different versions per station. 2 on each side. Very colorful. Wonder if they'll be in the trains. Full car length campaigns are cool. I'll be looking for the TV ad.
  4. J

    Funny iPod Ad Spoofs

    Yes, with Rowdy Roddy Piper. Late 80s. That one caught mt eye too.
  5. J


    OK, I missed a few replies. My bad.
  6. J

    PowerPod? Don't know if this has anything to do with the above cease and desist, but this thing looks very much like an iMac. Probably just a coincidence, but an interesting one.
  7. J word association!

  8. J

    House of Live Phish

    I'm not a Phish fan, but thought this was a cool idea.
  9. J word association!

  10. J

    Quark 6 - Export as PDF Problem

    You can also change the printer in the print menu as usual. But don't save as PDF from there. Doesn't work. Not supposed to I would imagine. It's meant to be exported.
  11. J

    Quark 6 - Export as PDF Problem

    Got some help @ MacFixItForums. Really simple. Figures. I needed a PostScript Printer. Kind of knew that, but don't have one. There's actually an article at Apple's support pages on how to install a virtual printer. Very simple. PDF...
  12. J word association!

  13. J

    Post your desktop!

    Let me bore you all some more. Nothing tricked out. Just what I see @ home. By the way, I really like seeing what others see. So, with out further ado... PS: Androo. I checked out your links. For what it's worth...Damn! Nice work for a rookie. Best of luck to you.
  14. J

    Post your desktop!

    Graphic Design/Art Direction There are 8 million stories in the naked city...Mine's 1
  15. J

    Quark 6 - Export as PDF Problem

    This happens using File > Export > PDF. I tried the print way, but that makes a PDF that doesn't work. You know that print window that only a Quark user can use? The one with 17 million options. Well, you can't select save as PDF like in other OS X apps. So, I clicked the printer button. Like...
  16. J

    Quark 6 - Export as PDF Problem

    I have Quark for OS X and it's supposed to have everything needed to export as PDF. When I do so, I get the following message... To save layout as a PDF, the current printer must be a LaserWriter version 7.0 or greater. What's that all about? Thought PDF export was supposed to be...
  17. J

    Post your desktop!

    Nothing that interesting. It's my work computer. Just some client names. (adult clients)!
  18. J

    Post your desktop!

    I don't mean to show off, but...
  19. J

    Safari's bad short-term memory-Advice?

    Not sure if anyone else has this problem. I looked around and found nothing. Here's what happens. I go to a forum, check unread messages, and close Safari or go elsewhere online. When I return to that forum at a later time, the same read messages are showing as unread. (Anything that's been read...
  20. J

    OSX Quark 6.0 finally here

    That sucks. Great option gone. I wonder if it's still available under "Edit>Subscriber Options" or if it's gone there too. If it's there, it's still a pain. Unless they gave it a short cut key combo. That would be fine. Thanks again for the feedback.