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  1. ulrik

    No Congrats To Me !!!

    Try stopping me from creating a congrats thread..HARHARHAR MUST KILL ALL JEDI...
  2. ulrik

    What is the most popular Hard Disk Name?

    :( Guess I'm just boring, since my HDDs have standard names Quicksilver: MacOS X 10.1.4 MacOS 9.2.2 Local File Server Projekte Photoshop Scratchdisk Swapdisk TiBook: MacOS X 10.2 G3: MacOS X 10.1.4 Fileserver Alpha Fileserver Beta Fileserver Gamma and so on... Now I...
  3. ulrik


    I guess so. One of the sites I am webmaster from is on a RedHat Linux 7.2 machine. It runs since 2,5 years, has plenty of traffic (since it deals with lots of print quality data) and it NEVER crashed till now, and I did plenty of shit on that thing!!! UNIX / Linux/ BSD is just great for...
  4. ulrik

    New awesome rackmount server!!!

    AAAAAAAAAAAARG! LET ME ANSWER! I KNOW IT IS OFF TOPIC! BUT....PLEASE!!!! I HAVE TO VOICE MY OPINION!!!! Just kidding.... :D you see, fryke, I can resist :D
  5. ulrik


    IIRC, all "beta" boards from apple are red and then turn green once they go into mass production
  6. ulrik

    The movie quotes thread

    Is it from Stanley Kubrick? He died some years ago, just before Eyes Wide Shut came into cinemas. It is not 2001... Clockwerk orange???
  7. ulrik

    Congrats to rharder!

    congrats!!!!! :D
  8. ulrik

    New awesome rackmount server!!!

    I don't say it's slow. I just wanted to comment the post about DDR and stuff coming to newer G4 PowerMacs. All I wanted to say is that while it might be nice, it is completely NECESSARY that Apple drops the current G4 for the PowerMacs. They can keep them in PowerBooks, iMacs and the xServe...
  9. ulrik

    The movie quotes thread

    I am so clueless, I don't even know what to's obviously an older movie, since you said it's a classic. Is it from a "well-known" regisseur? Under "well-known" I understand something like David Fincher, Francis Ford Coppola, Ridley Scott, James Cameron, George Lucas and the...
  10. ulrik

    Apple studio 15inch

    I have no problem with that: If you wanna know more about ERICBRIAN, read the warez thread from way back...
  11. ulrik

    New awesome rackmount server!!!

    DDR-RAM is nice, 2 GIGs are nice, but all this stuff won't help Apple if they stick with the G4 for another half year or so. Most of us always made fun of the "outdated" x86 architecture which tried to solve the problem in the architecture with raw we are the ones with the...
  12. ulrik

    Apple studio 15inch

    Only if you start the third thread asking the same question...
  13. ulrik

    formac studio & final cut pro

    I can't tell if it still works with FCP 3, but it did with FCP 2 and the Formac Studio, but I don't see any reason why it shouldn work with FCP 3, and, I don't think iMovie could do something FCP can't Oh...and welcome to the bright side of the firce :D
  14. ulrik

    New awesome rackmount server!!!

    to add some information: You can disable firewire ports, CDROM and USB ports so you can't boot from an external drive. It has LEDs to control vital system compoments (fan, CPU, HDDs) and the things alarms when somebody tries to "steal" it. HDDs can be swapped while the system is...
  15. ulrik


    That equals true. You can disable firewire ports, CDROM and USB ports so you can't boot from an external drive. It has LEDs to control vital system compoments (fan, CPU, HDDs) and the things alarms when somebody tries to "steal" it. HDDs can be swapped while the system is running, and...
  16. ulrik

    The movie quotes thread

    nope, it's your turn to post a quote BTW: You have to do WHAT to produce an Ü??? crazy non-germans.... :D
  17. ulrik

    apple 15' display

    System Profiler.
  18. ulrik

    The movie quotes thread

    Technically, it's not Munchhausen but Münchhausen... :p :D
  19. ulrik

    The movie quotes thread

    is the movie older than five years?
  20. ulrik

    activity light

    oh, yes, thanx!!! :) On my Linux machine it is -eth0 :rolleyes: