Search results

  1. E

    New Install of Jag or Update?

    I wasn't impressed with the speed gains (if any) even after installing a new Radeon 8500 graphics card. I'm also not impressed with the stability. 10.2 seems, if anything, less stable than 10.1 was. In the 10 days or so it's been installed, I've had three system freezes; two of them this...
  2. E

    New Install of Jag or Update?

    I installed 10.2 over an existing install of 10.1.5, and I have to be honest---I've seen basically no performance improvement (even with a new Radeon 8500), and in some ways the system seems less responsive. However, I've read a few posts here and there from people who formatted their drive...
  3. E

    ftp can't change root in Jag

    I did a Google search that didn't show up anything. The only Apple Knowledgbase article on ftpchroot concerned OS X server. Either Apple isn't aware of the issue, or figures hardly anyone restricts ftp access this way and hasn't bother to fix the problem.
  4. E

    ftp can't change root in Jag

    Actually, I was wrong about one thing. Anyone who's listed in ftpchroot can't log in properly. I thought the admin accounts were exempt from this problem, but that's just because I changed the names of the admin accounts and didn't update ftpchroot. So, basically, if you're listed in...
  5. E

    ftp can't change root in Jag

    Nope; these are their home directories. At least, they should be. How do you set where ftpchroot makes the root? Doesn't it default to whatever the account's home directory is?
  6. E

    ftp can't change root in Jag

    I installed Jaguar last weekend, and everything seems to work okay, except for ftp. When I log in as my normal user account (which is not an admin account), I get the message "550 Can't change root. Login failed." I use ftpchroot to restrict access to home directories. This happens to...
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    Mac FM tuner

    One that never used more than 10% of the CPU and fit into 650k of RAM? Would that work for you? :-)
  8. E

    Mac FM tuner

    That's just not the way a geek would do things. Why have two different appliances when one will do?
  9. E

    Mac FM tuner

    I'm looking for an FM tuner for the Mac that will run under OS X. USB would be ideal, but I wouldn't say no to a PCI card. I know about MyTV, which would probably work, provided there are OS X drivers for it, but I'd really prefer just the FM. I'm thinking without the video capabilities, I can...
  10. E

    VNC Server for OS X

    I VNC into our W2K Server box from home all the time, over a DSL connection. It doesn't suck that hard.
  11. E

    VNC Server for OS X

    Anyone know the status of any efforts to port VNC Server to OS X? The PPC version of VNC Server for OS 8.x, 9.x seems to work pretty well, but I'd like to find a version I can run on my iMac running OS X. That would be cool. Heh heh. Heh.
  12. E

    FTP reporting the wrong time?

    I just noticed a puzzling anomaly in OS X's ftp server. It seems to be reporting the wrong timestamp on file modification times. Specifically, it's exactly an hour slow. If I ssh in and get a listing via ls -l on the terminal, I get the right time. If I get a listing for the same files via ftp...
  13. E

    Changing the mount point of a volume

    This seems like a better solution. But what happens if I dismount the drive? Which, presumably, can happen, since it's a firewire drive? Or if I turn the drive off? Maybe I should only do this with a non-removable drive, like an ATA or SCSI drive?
  14. E

    Changing the mount point of a volume

    I tried that, but as far as the Finder's concerned, it's just an alias. An alias would work fine, except that it doesn't work over an Appletalk connection (the remote system says the original item cannot be found), and it doesn't work via ftp. Maybe I need to create a hard link? Except, I guess...
  15. E

    Changing the mount point of a volume

    Normally, volumes mount under /Volumes in OS X. Is there a way to change where a volume is mounted? I've got an external firewire drive, and I would dearly love to have it mount under my home directory. There's gotta be a way...
  16. E

    Exporting and Mounting NFS Volumes Under OS X

    I have a linux box on my network, quietly crunching seti workunits all day long. It's all the thing does. But it would be nice to use the machine as a file server too. I'm assuming the way to do that would be to export its filesystem as an NFS volume, which I can then mount on the OS X machines...
  17. E

    Additional Hard Drives Under OS X

    I have a G4/500 AGP/1280 Meg RAM/18 Gig Ultra2SCSI, and I'm considering installing an additional internal drive---either another Ultra2 drive, an ATA drive on the ATAPI bus, or an internal Firewire drive (I believe the G4/AGP has an internal firewire port). Okay, supposedly the hardware...
  18. E

    OS X stability

    But if you want to lock the workstation, you presumably want to blank the screen as well, right? Otherwise, why bother to lock it in the first place? So probably some kind of screensaver is going to have to kick in anyway. Have you considered that your tie-dye beach-ball that won't go away...
  19. E

    httpd runs amok

    I've been killing off excess httpd processes either from the command line using apachectl restart or from the web-sharing preference pane. But they keep coming back. I've been assuming they're either from http requests that don't terminate properly, or that don't time out. But here's the latest...