Search results

  1. E

    Scanning under OS X

    Any luck with Microtek scanners? I'm thinking of getting a 4800 (I did say low-end, didn't I?), which supposedly will have an OS X driver available by July 15.
  2. E

    Scanning under OS X

    Is anyone having any luck with low-end scanners actually working under OS X? I've been getting the impression that some high-end Firewire scanners are working under OS X, but what about cheap USB scanners? I've looked at cheap Umax and Microtek scanners, but none of them seem to have OS X...
  3. E

    OS X stability

    Apple HAS a lock workstation option. If I want to lock my workstation, I just slam the cursor down to the lower left hand corner, which cuts in the screensaver. It just doesn't work on your machine. Powerbook, right? Have you tried switching to a different screensaver, like the basic black one?
  4. E

    OS X stability

    So far, it looks like almost half the people who have responded to this survey have never had an OS X system crash. I wonder how long they've been using OS X. I have to say my own experience hasn't been quite as good, but then I've been using OS X since the Public Beta came out, and I use a lot...
  5. E

    Applicatons programmers unwarranted assumptions

    I've noticed that a lot of applications seem to assume that they're going to have write privileges to the /Applications directory. This is definitely an unwarranted assumption. OS X is a Unix system, which implies that it's a multi-user system. Many, if not most, of the users of a Unix system...
  6. E

    httpd runs amok

    I run fsck whenever I have to restart abnormally (kernel panic, system lockup, etc.). This doesn't happen very often; maybe once every couple of months on a system that's usually pretty stressed (twenty or more apps running simultaneously, including Photoshop and MayaPLE). I do currently have...
  7. E

    httpd runs amok

    Thanks, worked like a charm. I guess the only reason I'm concerned about this is that it seems to be a new phenomenon. I never noticed more than a handful of httpd running before a few weeks ago. My webserver really is a personal webserver; it's extremely rare that there would ever be more...
  8. E

    httpd runs amok

    Sounds like a good idea. But something else has occurred to me. I was looking at the access log, and there haven't been enough connections in the last WEEK to account for all the instances of httpd that are currently running. Right now there are about 30 instances of httpd running, and according...
  9. E

    httpd runs amok

    My machine is definitely connected to the outside world, and is serving web pages over a DSL connection. My assumption is that normally http daemons terminate after whatever request they're spawned for is served. So it looks like something is preventing the processes from terminating. Since...
  10. E

    httpd runs amok

    I recently noticed a somewhat unusual situation developing on my G4/500 AGP running OS X 10.4.1. It seems that after a while, I end up with several dozen copies of httpd running. I figured the easiest way to kill them all was to turn off Apache, but whenever I see this condition, trying to...
  11. E

    OS X stability

    I configured my screensaver to require my user password on waking, and it seemed to work fine. Maybe there's something wrong with your system? I often come across weird quirks like that in OS X (or OS 9, or any flavor of Windows, for that matter).
  12. E

    OS X stability

    I agree. I probably restart way more after installing upgrades or software that requires a restart. I'm hoping the poll responses accurately reflect that. For example, I had a kernel panic last week. The last time before that I had a system error that required a restart was on March 7. So I...
  13. E

    OS X stability

    If you're looking for a way to keep people from using your computer while you're away, I believe the easiest way to do this is to require entry of your password to get past the screensaver. I'm not in front of my Mac right now so I can't be absolutely sure, but I believe there's a checkbox in...
  14. E

    OS X stability

    I'm interested in taking a little informal survey here. What are users' general experience with OS X vis a vis system stability? How often does the UI freeze up on you, forcing you either to ssh in to restart (as opposed to just killing a rogue process), or how often does the system refuse...
  15. E

    host name

    I edited /etc/hostconfig with the hostname I wanted. Do I need a restart for the changes to take effect? I didn't see any difference in the hostname at the command line...
  16. E

    host name

    Is there a quick way to change the name of the host as it appears in the terminal window, without screwing anything up on the system that depends on that name? I'd like the name to be the same as the computer's name in the Sharing preference panel. As I recall, you could edit this by editing...
  17. E

    Apache logs

    Is there any downside to just deleting apache's default logs (access_log and error_log)? Mine are both pretty big (a few meg each), being mostly larded with messages about hits from nimda and CodeRed exploit attempts. If I delete them, do I need to stop and restart apache (hopefully just via...
  18. E

    Maya PLE

    I recently downloaded Alias|Wavefront's Maya Personal Learning Edition (after they finally posted a copy of it to iDisk). I discovered that many of the commands in Maya require the use of a three-button mouse with appropriate driver software. I have a TEN-button (count 'em) Kensington trackball...
  19. E

    top doa?

    Hey, what do you know? It worked. Thanks for the tip...
  20. E

    top doa?

    Today, for some reason, when I tried to run the Unix command "top," I get the following response: top: kvm_nlist and nothing else happened. I tried it under several different accounts on the machine, with the same results. When I logged in remotely via ssh and tried to run the command...