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  1. S

    MAC OSX/OS10.1 Desktop Pictures

    I doubt we'll see any sort of active desktop anytime soon. Steve jobs vehemently disagrees wiht Gates on the browser/os integreation issue. This is why we don't have hyperlink singleclicking icons for the most part, nor is IE our finder. Quite frankly, nobody makes use of the feature on PCs...
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    Is there a point to ssh remote login?

    Not that i'm jealous or anything but the XP kids down the hall have been remotely loggin into their computer form accross the campus fomr any windows box, even when it's not runnin XP there. Now I know we can ssh in to our computers, but ...waht's the point? How/Can I actually run anything...
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    I Want Roller Coaster Tycoon!!

    As much as I hate to say it I doubt we'll see Rollercoaster Tycoon or Transport Tycoon Deluxe on a Mac anytime soon. explains that it was written in "99% written in x86 assembler/machine code (yes, really!), with a small amount of C code used to interface to MS...
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    iTunes 2.0.1 makes using iSub possible in OSX

    Maybe I've missed your point but uh..isn't the knob on the iSub a volume for the iSub? It certainly seems to affect mine.
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    G5 chips, VirtualPC X, and other rumors ...

    maybe this is just bein selfish, but I'd really hate to see G5's this early considering I just got my 533 DP last June or so. Also wouldn't this negate the entire megahertz myth? All that marketing down the drain...
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    Jaguar - Mac OS X 10.2

    Also i just remembered this when some idiot pc user zoomed one of my windows cuz they're big on maximizing things for some reason... In any case, for those rare occasions when that lil resize tab is stuck down in the corner , especially under the dock where it's virtually impossible to use; i...
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    iTunes not so great?!

    All though iTuens is a bit of a resouce hog, doesn't have the prettiest "skin" and is limited in features compared to audion, I find myself using itunes a lot mroe merely due to the excellent functionality of it's playlists, ease of ripping/burning. I know the LAME codec is prolly betetr at...
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    Jaguar - Mac OS X 10.2

    Among all the other things already mentioned... ~Color coding of folders? I really liked this feature, made everytihng so easy to organize. THey could possibly have a little RGB slider for choosing whatever shade you want even. I'm sure this is possible. ~Being able to drag-n-drop...
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    4-speaker sound on a G4

    I'm not sure about true surround as that would require some sort of digital output to be any good correct? So far all we have that's digital output is firewire and usb. I've yet to see an yspeakers aside from the harmon kardons that support that. You could always use the standard output to...
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    I want Tetris on the iPod!

    So it seems the real question now is whether to buy the iPod or wait for it to evolve some more... it definitely is a solid product even now...but the sheer potential of the future and all...
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    I want Tetris on the iPod!

    As much as I'd like to agree with you for sure, knowing my luck they've etched the game/easter egg directly into ROM or something.. Yankee's Suck! ;)
  12. S

    Windowshade & Transpaerent Window HACK!!!!

    I had the first version but decided to wait until all apps were supported by this program. Well 1.1 came out and I bought it that day. Excellent program. Best $7 I've ever spent in my life. I really couldn't get by without my's a long way from where my cursor spends most...
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    Colored Folders

    I'm sure they'll get the colord folders soon enough alogn with the arrange by and all but as for the app switcher I doubt they'll add that in themselves for a whiel hopefully this will help you out though ;) Truthfully I was glad to find it but I rarely use it as I've...
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    Lax Security?

    Living in a dorm at college provides many challenges the least of which isn't desktop security. Of course, OSX beckons to be tinkered with by everybody that sees it as I'm one of the few Mac users on campus. Now I have no problem with this however I don't want to have to create accounts for...
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    Anyone know where to find some good High Resolution Backgrounds? and are some good choices shamelessplug :: :D
  16. S

    fps in full screen mode with itunes

    with the 'high' quality settings lo: 18 hi: 22 avg: 19-20 OSX 10.1 5L14 iTunes 2.0f13 DP 533 G4 640MB RAM RADEON 32 DDR Mitsubishsi 19" Diamond Pro 900u
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    It's HERE: iPod

    Just to throw in my 2-cents here... I like many other were at first glance slightly dissapointed by this device. I mean just seeing mp3 player and a price tag of $400 is a bit of a shock. However after the dust settled and all the FAQs and tech specs were up...well this thing kicks ass...