Search results

  1. texanpenguin

    Icon production

    In response, if you use Photoshop, there are numerous plug-ins for producing icons with it. One of the best solutions, though, is to buy a program called Can Combine Icons, which, though simplistic, allows you to do just about anything icon related. You WILL need a program to CREATE the icon in...
  2. texanpenguin

    Mac mini the first to go Intel?

    Personally, I'd expect the high-end machines to go to Intel first. This means Jobs will get his 3GHz Power Mac, people will have a next-generation PowerBook, and it will finally separate the two markets again. Then, shortly after, the pro line would be upgraded and the consumer range would...
  3. texanpenguin

    Safari Download

    I think I know the problem you're experiencing. The problem is with the way you're downloading things. You're right-clicking on a link and choosing "Download Linked File", which is fine if a site directly links to a download. Most download sites, though, link instead to an intermediary page...
  4. texanpenguin

    Outlook Express

    Which Operating System are you on? Outlook Express is no longer supported on the Mac. If you need a way to get your contacts from a Mac to a PC, open Address Book, vCards are supported by both the OS X Address Book and the Windows one; just select all your contacts and choose File > Export...
  5. texanpenguin

    Is building an OS on an open source core safe?

    There are two main features of any virus: some sort of way it can run, and some sort of way it can propagate itself. Windows operates on the basis that everything runs at user-level (which, by default, is root). OS X, and other open-source OSes don't. Therefore, getting a virus to run is...
  6. texanpenguin

    Cool game for a 4-year old?

    Kid Pix was totally awesome. I remember playing around with it when I was about 5. I really liked Jump Start first grade when I was in sixth grade... nothing wrong with that :P.
  7. texanpenguin

    Suggestions on where to buy 100 or 120 gb PB hard drive?

    Not if you use the laptop as your primary machine. My 60GB hard drive is almost always full, needing files deleted.
  8. texanpenguin


    Mikuro, the test is not going to work for everyone, but it does test the browser's implementation of the standards. It makes perfect sense for a developer to aim to pass these tests, though it should realistically be no concern of the end-user. The site won't work for some people, even in a...
  9. texanpenguin

    iTunes Australia Music Store — Finally

    The terms and conditions on the site say that you only need to register with a credit card if you exceed the value of the prepaid cards.
  10. texanpenguin


    You can read all about Safari development at Sufing Safari, the developers' blog: The acid2 test is the second test designed for web renderers to test their compliance with obscure and multiple features of the web standards. They code complex HTML...
  11. texanpenguin

    Do Apple still make this?

    Similar to the iPod socks are the Foofpods (never seen one though), they make foofbags for PowerBooks and iBooks too. Look quite nice, IMO.
  12. texanpenguin

    Keyboard shortcuts in Quark

    You can use the Keyboard Shortcuts section of the Universal Access (I think, maybe Keyboards) System Preference Pane to assign whatever shortcuts you like to menu items. Just remember any of the ones that say (for example) "Print…" aren't P-r-i-n-t-.-.-., the ellipsis (…) is made with Option+;
  13. texanpenguin

    Mac OS X 10.4.3 in Software Update

    Is Quartz 2D Extreme on by default YET? I've been waiting for that as my cue to upgrade from Panther (as a compelling reason). No luck I bet?
  14. texanpenguin

    iTunes Australia Music Store — Finally

    Fixed? It's a matter of international trade legislation: they can't just illegally send files internationally because you want them :P. The Australian store has over 1 million songs from Australia and elsewhere, and that number WILL grow. Sony/BMG will likely be on-board *eventually*, which...
  15. texanpenguin

    Do Apple still make this?

    I still have the one that came with my 3G iPod. I thought it was sacrilege to put such an attractive device in that black sack thing, though, so never used it.
  16. texanpenguin

    Desprately Seeking Software (Web)

    What do you use on the PC? If you're used to writing code, write code on your Mac (look into SubEthaEdit, Tag, TextWrangler). If you're used to WYSIWYG, most programs for that purpose on the PC are also available on the Mac, including Macromedia Dreamweaver and Adobe GoLive. Heck, even...
  17. texanpenguin

    100% Height???

    I believe in CSS wherever possible. I don't believe in floating DIVs within DIVs to move a relatively positioned DIV outside the block of the absolutely positioned DIV which is fixed to the viewport, just to achieve an effect that four cells in a table can achieve. I think it's all about...
  18. texanpenguin

    Really basic website building questions

    GoLive is more than adequate to do what you want (though I hate it with a passion and find it ridiculously unintuitive). As for hosting, likely any host will be fine with a site you make. Read for information on setting up MovableType. You can likely...
  19. texanpenguin

    Dual Core PowerMacs Tomorrow

    What is this "Stereo-in-a-window" thing they mention? Google tells me it's a Linux/Irix OpenGL thing, but what precisely IS it?
  20. texanpenguin

    100% Height???

    Make sure the DocType isn't XHTML (which doesn't support height="100%"). Set it to HTML 4.01 Transitional.